Make your daily life brighter and more enjoyable with Cozmo! Cozmo is a real-life robot, small in size but who can blame when he is that smart! As long as you play with him, feed him and you keep him energized, you will see him evolving!
@webtech@rrhoover@nickstatt one of the keys was leaning into the film animation background for a big part of the team. Our character director on Cozmo was 10 yrs at Pixar and much of the team came from similar backgrounds. Really has been a key to the personality / character piece. Really glad you like him!!
@rrhoover looks like silly thing but it can be a big step to the future when the personal assistant robots will be a part of every household / I ❤️ it! ☺️
@gabrielvaraljay@rrhoover you got it. Entertainment a great place to start for developing a lot of these elements, well before the full tech is possible for the general purpose assistant robot.
Love this project, and can see how much crazy engineering went into producing it. Good job guys! Question: Is the display low-res because that's the retro digital aesthetic the designer was going for, or because it needs to be low-power? (or both?)
@johnrwhaley John, most screens like this one are fairly low power compared to motors. We chose the screen because it’s a micro OLED screen and not LCD. It was really important that the black is completely black, so that Cozmo eyes seem to be floating in space and there are no visible screen borders. The slightly granular eyes with scan lines are part of the design and character.
I'm curious: is this intended to "bond" and learn from one particular user, or will get to "know" an entire family?
It's one thing to buy one of these for the kids and I to play with together, but I'm less excited if I have to buy one for both of the kids (and one for myself). Not only does that get expensive, but I can't really make space for multiples of these in our little city home.
@mvboeke It'll play with everyone in the family. Think of the experience with a puppy -- he has his own engrained personality, but evolves a relationship with every person that he interacts with (and recognizes which of them he's playing with).
@bsofman That's fantastic (and really impressive). One of the things that makes iOS devices less than ideal for kids is Apple's implicit one device per person model. Who wants to buy $300 iPad for a preschooler?
I showed the video to mywife and kids this evening. The kids wanted Cozmo immediately, and my wife sees this as an excellent substitute for a dog 😄 If the final product lives up to the video, we'll have one under the tree this year (and I'm sure lots of other families will too).
The public rewards the perfect blend of artistry and technology. Congrats on making something you love that EVERYONE will too. Are you guys prepared for the demand?
Instantly pre-ordered. I held off on getting a BB-8 back when it came out... Glad I saved my marital-currency (😜) for Cozmo instead! Can't wait to bring him home.
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