Igor Dzhebyan

Spacebring Legacy - The coworking space management platform in a pocket

Spacebring platform is the beating heart of your coworking space operations to save time, boost efficiency, improve customer retention and experience — all in your pocket.

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Александр Левицкий

Found this app in Korean coworking and actually very happy that the app was in English. So basically withour knowing Korean I could reserme my place . It feels like airbnb for coworking and it is awesome. I hope this becomes popular and other coworkings will start using it. Good Luck!


easy to use interface, push reminders about room booking


membership payment takes too many steps

Igor Dzhebyan
Thanks for your comment @furfa! Payment gate requires us to confirm credit card purchase through 3D Secure. After some time we'll turn it off and you'll pay for your membership in just 1 click. Hope this is helpful! 💡
Daniel Wardin

Use them at my offices


Easy booking, one time door code for meetings, subscription management, payment gateway for buying extra credits, great calendar view


More coworking spaces need to use it

Alex Wawl
Congrats with launch🙌 👍Nice product
Oleksandr Prokhorov
@alexwawl Thanks for your feedback 😃
Александр Шолудько

Agregation of coworking places is great idea!

this is good example of c2b service (aka booking.com for ex.)


Easy to find available coworking and order membership. Filter by location, rating, size, price, range of services and etc. Very valueble DB


Need to make it as standard worldwide service. Currently covers only few countries

Andriy Bas

Love the product, very useful


Easy and smooth


Didn't fild

Mykola Rybak
🎉 Hi, Product Hunt! I am Mykola, a Frontend Developer at AndCards. 💪Together with @dzhebyan, @rtkhanas @taras_chervinka @oleksandr_prokhorov and @yeji we tried to create the best coworking app! 🙏 We are pleased to get feedback of our app and hope you really like it 😊.
Igor Dzhebyan
Hey PH! For the last 10 years we've all witnessed a real explosion in a number of coworking spaces. Large chains have a lot of cash to burn on building custom software, but smaller coworking spaces still use Excel/GCal to manually manage everything. As a result, they’re too busy managing contracts/facilities rather than building a community. Best I could do to help is design a simple and effective way to automate all boring routines, save time and reduce administrative hassles. andcards coworking space platform has several unique features that make it stand out: 👥 Focus on members — the product prioritizes the experience of your tenants, because we believe the happiness of members is the foundation of a successful coworking business. ✨ User-friendly experience — andcards platform packs a ton of features, everything from bookings, billing, community feed, events, services, integrations, but it does so without compromising on the simplicity and ease of use. 📱 Platform agnostic — whether you prefer web application, Apple devices, or Android, you enjoy every single feature. Our fully native mobile apps are intuitive, fully featured, and don't feel like an afterthought. We want to make it the best coworking software. Any feedback is welcome!
Juliet Goncharenko

I like that I can book a room and find any contact so easily! Cool and simple design!


So convenient to use it in cooworking space!


Can’t find

Taras Chervinka
👋 Hello PH! I'm Taras, QA Engineer at andCards, always trying to make our coworking app perfect by finding bugs 🔎 and transporting them to @rtkhanas @oleksandr_prokhorov @mykola_rybak to smash them down 💪 , also trying to find ways how to make andCards easier to users 🥇. 😊 Would be happy to get some feedbacks and answer the questions.
Александр Левицкий
Great Job guys! Really wish your company to reach as many coworkings as possible! You helped me a lot with your app!
Igor Dzhebyan
@furfa Thanks a lot! We're working hard to make andCards the best coworking software. Can you introduce us to any coworkings in your hometown?
Oleksandr Prokhorov
Hey folks! 🤠 I am Alex, a Back-End Developer at andCards. We are hoping to receive a feedback from the ProductHunt community, which will be useful for our growth 🚀 To build andCards Suite API I used: - Express.js - PostgreSQL - Sequelize ORM Looking forward to answering all of your questions 😃

Excellent software for managing coworking.


UI/UX really great


Didn't find yet.

Mykola Rybak
Thx man!
Yurii Kruhlii

Cool product, hope more coworkings will use


Fast and smooth


Onboarding can be better

Oksana Ohorilko

In love with UI/UX


Nice app. Great for coworking management


Didn’t find any

Mykola Rybak
Tnx Oksana for feedback!
Daniel Roger Casanova
Who do you charge and how much?
Igor Dzhebyan
Hello @danirogerc ! Coworking space operators can subscribe for andcards platform for as low as $66/mo (if paid annually).
Andrii Gorbatiuk
Such great idea comes to life 😲 ! Really like it and highly recommend!
Kseniya Maksimava
Hey, guys. I work for a coworking space in Belarus. We wonder do you plan to launch in Belarus too?
Igor Dzhebyan
hey @kseniya_maksimava ! We already support Belarus, our app is already localized into Russian and we can accept belarusian credit cards 🎉
Kseniya Maksimava
@dzhebyan How can we get in touch with you to discuss details and maybe partnership? We've got some ideas in mind.
Igor Dzhebyan
@kseniya_maksimava Please send email to id@andcards.com or chat directly using widget on andcards.com. I've sent you a private message with more contact info!
Vladyslav Kopylash
Hey guys, was just wondering, who are your competitors? Are you B2B2C?
Mykola Rybak
@kopylash Hi Vlad, I will try to answer for all your questions: Our product: Currently, we get the revenue only from the AndCards Suite - it is a B2B Software product for coworking spaces. Also, we have a B2C product - AndCards Spaces (https://andcards.com/s), where users can browse and find the coworking that suits them the best. Our goal is to make the process of finding the coworking and work there as smooth as possible. 😉 Competitors: There are also available softwares for managing coworkings, but without such features that we have: - We have already implemented a payment system that no need any additional configuration. Payment system is supported in many countries, even in China. Just a few steps and you done 😉. - We integrated AndCards Spaces with AndCards Suite. So, you can manage your coworking profile on Spaces through Suite. - Soon, we will add a Room Display app to easily show the status of the particular room availability. 😉
John Palmer
Why is it called andCards?
Taras Chervinka
@john_c_palmer We strive to make our design simple, clean, minimal and use a visual metaphor of cards to present information in a compact way.
Bret Morgan
I’ll evaluate it more when I’m at my computer but I’m always excited to check out new coworking platforms. To give you some background we’ve been in the business since 2010 and currently have 2 locations in NJ (USA) with a 3rd in the works. We’ve currently use Office R&D and prior to that Cobot. I personally think both have missed the mark and try to cater to all spaces and use cases vs. just doing a few things really well (membership, billing, meeting rooms). I’ll give you some more specific feedback on your platform but initially the 1% transaction fee would be a deal breaker for us- I would never give a SaaS platform a % of revenue from our business- I’d seriously consider using a straight up tiered pricing structure. For smaller/new spaces that fee structure might work but, while we are by no means a huge space, a point off our bottom line would be more than we’d be willing to pay for a service. I’ll give it a more detailed run down but in the meantime I wanted to give you my 2¢
Igor Dzhebyan
@bret_morgan Thank you for the comment! 👍 We do want to build the best-of-breed coworking space platform. Would love to give you a free trial and hear more feedback! Our pricing is not % of revenue, but based on the number of active members. For 2 locations our Standard plan looks suitable, starting at $133/mo (annual) for up to 100 active members, unlimited locations, and other platform benefits.