Mike Mignano

Anchor Sponsorships - The first podcast advertising platform for everyone

Anchor Sponsorships makes it easy for podcasters to get sponsors, create custom ads, and make money. Currently available in the U.S.; expanding to more countries soon.

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Ryan Hoover
This deserves some upvotes for the GIF gallery alone πŸ‘ But more seriously, this is a logical extension of the Anchor platform, now that they're hosting podcasts and building a network of proprietary data. We looked into working with ad networks for Product Hunt Radio earlier in the year and opted sell our own inventory directly. While it demanded more work from us, we've been able to command premium pricing and offer a bundle (additional exposure on the PH site, newsletter, etc.) to sponsors to get to a revenue number that's meaningful for us.
Alex Panagis
@rrhoover Haha I definitely agree - I want to know who their designer is! But, seriously, Anchor is paving the way for podcasters by simplifying every step of the way. Learn more: https://themainframe.ch/2018/12/... I'm so overhyped about podcasting because of Anchor, I'm actually thinking about starting one now πŸ˜„
Mike Mignano
Hi everyone! So excited to launch Anchor Sponsorships today right here on Product Hunt. Anchor's mission has always been to democratize audio, which to us means two things: 1. Making it easy for people to create podcasts 2. Making it easy for people to get paid for their work We're thrilled to be taking a giant step towards #2 today with this launch of Sponsorships. Before today, only 1% of podcasts were being monetized through ads due to a highly inefficient and closed off process. Anchor Sponsorships makes sponsorship monetization available to anyone (starting in the US), regardless of how many plays you get! If you have any questions, feel free to fire away. Thanks!
Krishna De
@mignano Is this available only in certain countries as when I go to the page referenced in the post here and log into my account I don't see an option to apply for this new feature? Thanks
Andy Rosenberg
@mignano are you monetizing listens exclusively done on Anchor or other platforms as well? In other words, are you paid only if the listener listens to your podcast on Anchor.fm?
Andy Rosenberg
Perfect next step in the evolution of Anchor. Well done.
Andy Rosenberg
How do we edit the pre-recorded sponsorship message if we don't like the first take?
@andythegiant Hey Andy! Totally get how important it is to get that perfect take when recording an ad. We're working out some kinks with the re-recording process and will have this available within the next couple of days. In the meantime, you can make sure your first take doesn't play in your podcast by (temporarily) toggling off the Sponsorships segment in your episode(s). Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience!
@andythegiant Update: you can now re-record your ads :) Log in to anchor.fm, go to your Money tab, and you'll see this option next to your sponsor. Enjoy!
Paul Shuteyev
@davebalt @mignano Anchor Sponsorships looks good, grab my upvote! πŸ˜‰ We would like to offer you to publish an interview about AS at https://startupradius.com/ please PM me at paul@startupradius.com for more details
Hunter Walk
another step towards making podcasting awesome for everyone!
Nick Walter
Dope stuff!
Ghost Kitty
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Hilart Abrahamian
John Suder
We set it up today and already have sponsorships coming in. Great move by the Anchor squad!
great move! Cant wait for this to be available for European podcasters!
Bruce Kraft Jr.
hey @mignano , is there any api that could integrate smaller aps with anchor's ecosystem or sponsorships? that could explode further
brilliant, thanks so much for creating this, awaiting eagerly for the expansion for other countries real soon, like New Zealand pretty please :)