Meeting preparation in seconds, straight to your calendar
Ben Lang
Amy — Meeting preparation in seconds, straight to your calendar
Amy’s AI-powered Chrome Extension saves you days of research by providing you with information from across the web and actionable insights about every person you meet with, helping you personalize and ace all of your meetings!
Dontae Mears
Do you pull messages from e-mail to surface in the extension?
Nim Ron
@realdontae Hi Dontae! We are currently working on many more features and integrations - there's a lot to look forward to:) Stay tuned
Nagesh Pobbathi
Congrats @nimrodron and team! Been looking for something like this for a while. Will check it out.
Nim Ron
@npobbathi Hope you love it Nagesh!
Brian Casel
Nice product and brand! I love the combo of live meetings for getting to know people and async messaging for those in between conversations. For those looking to pair live meetings with an async option, I’d humbly invite you to check out ZipMessage (also on Product Hunt today ;) Hope today’s launch goes well for you guys!
Scott Miller
I've been fortunate to use Amy for the past month or so in early access. Amy provides very valuable preparation for first-time meetings and update prep for long-time contact meetings as well. I've been impressed with the pace of improvements the team has been making, driven by their active solicitation of feedback and clear passion for user delight. Best of continued success to you Nimrod, Rennen, Lior, and team!
Nim Ron
@scottmilleratx It means a lot coming from someone of your caliber! Thanks for your support, for many more years to come!
Samuli Pehkonen
Congrats on the launch @nimrodron & co 🙏
Nim Ron
@samulipehkonen Thank you Samuli!
Alex Pav
Ok, can I get like, right now????? #GreatIdea
Nim Ron
@alexpavlovski You can!! Get it for free at myamy.io :)
Carsten Pleiser
Great product @nimrodron and congrats on the PH launch.
Simon Edwardsson
Hey team! 👋 Nice to learn about your product! Can't wait to have more meetings! Huge congratulations on your launch! 🚀
Nim Ron
@_simedw_ Thanks Simon! Can't wait to save you more time;) Enjoy!
Alberto Rizzoli
Hey @nimrodron 👋 Huge congrats on the launch to you and the team!
Nim Ron
@albertorizzoli Thanks Alberto! Enjoy it:)
Lisa Larson-Kelley
When do you expect to support Outlook?
Nim Ron
@lisamarienyc Amy only integrates with Google Calendar, for now. Outlook support will be out very soon! Stay tuned.
Stefani Kovachevska
Excited to try Amy! It seems very useful and I like the UX. Good luck! @nimrodon Check this out @alan_dimmer
Nim Ron
@alan_dimmer @stefani_kovachevska Thank you both! Hope you enjoy the product. Here if you have any questions :)
Gal Ringel
Awesome idea & execution! Amy seems truly brilliant. Nice drop. Happy launch-day:)
Nim Ron
@gal_ringel Thank you so much for your support. We are big fans of Mine!
Andrii Kpyto
Congrats! While Sembly Personal works at meeting and post-meeting stages, Amy is interesting product for preparing. Looking to try it!
Adam Lazovski
This has been my secret weapon for a few months now being a pilot user :) I guess I'm lucky to have my office in the same floor as the founding team. Saves a lot of prep time and makes me way more professional! Highly recommended!
Nim Ron
@adam_lazovski Thanks for your support Adam! You're the best.
Mariam Gyulumyan
I need to try this!
Oleg Zilberg
Great idea, guys! Very useful!
Jason Cavness
@lior_galante_cohen Congrats on the launch. I know lots of hard works goes into having a successful one. I know I spend lots of time researching people aka "stalking" them. Either for my own startup on for my podcast or for when other people reach out to me. This is going to be a great time saver for me.
Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
@jasoncavness I am so glad to hear that, Jason. Thank you for supporting our launch!
Iván Fanego
Just created my account! When I read about Amy I thought... "Sounds too good to be true", but so far it looks quite useful. Good job ?makers !
Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
@ivan_fanego Thank you so much, Ivan! We appreciate it and hope you'll continue enjoying Amy :)
Ken Babcock
Can't wait to start using this!
Gil Eyal
Love this. Trying out right now!