Kiki Schirr

Emoji Cover Pics Composer - Create great pics for social media with emoji in seconds


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Ryan Hoover
Funny, we (cc @Nivo0o0, @nickabouzeid) create these from the @ProductHunt account for Ask PH questions often. Example. πŸ‘πŸΌ
Niv Dror
@rrhoover lol I literally have a Keynote on my desktop dedicated to this πŸ˜…
@rrhoover @nivo0o0 you guys were the inspiration for this. Try it instead of Keynote, should save you a couple clicks ;-)
Niv Dror
@xnutsive already bookmarked 😎
@nivo0o0 πŸ’™
Kiki Schirr
When Nate approached me to ask if I thought his quick Emoji-fier was worthy of Product Hunt (for being so simple) I laughed a little--I think this might be right up Product Hunt's alley! Ultra-simple social media tool with an emoji theme? Yes, please!
Nick Abouzeid
Omg this is amazing 😻 Thank you πŸ™
@nickabouzeid, you're very welcome πŸ™Œ
@kikischirr, thank you <3! So we’ve been hard at work on our core product, but also reviewing our blog and planning what to do with it. Our editors needed a way to produce short, non-bs articles and publish them fast. Canva and Pablo are cool, but what if you can just slap a few Emojis together? Should work, right? Then I noticed Ask PH and @vitalii_rizo here made the emoji composer in a couple hours. @antiflasher helped with the UI, and we decided to share it ;) It works in your browser at no cost to us, so it’ll be free forever. No sign ups, newsletters, and we won’t retarget you for the next 3 months for using it :D
Jeremy Bauer
thank you I πŸ’– it
Joshua Dance
This is a great example of side project marketing
Alexander Marfitsin
Best cover composer for social media ever!
Şamil Karahisar
this is neat !
Daniil Okhlopkov
Wow! I've created the similar project independently! Check it out πŸ˜‰ I generate square images for chat covers, slack avatars and so on. Emoji Cover