Adithya Shreshti

Web Stories by Google - The visual storytelling format, now for your website.

Web Stories bring a familiar full-screen, tappable story format to the wide audience of the web. Now it's even easier for creators to create and publish Web Stories with the new Web Stories for WordPress plugin.

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Simon Gabriel
Oooh. This looks very interesting. I'm a UX Designer for an interior brand, I really think this would be very inspirational on site. I'm trying to visualise it on our ecom website and having a difficult time though as there are no examples I can see of the end result (all screenshots are of the tool). How does this work on desktop etc? Would be great if you had a link of a finished story on the web. Great work!
Simon Gabriel
Forgive me, I found the link and it has an example! However, launching the story here on Desktop seems buggy? Maybe it's me but it opens and plays fine, but then I can't seem to dismiss it
Simon Gabriel
So that bug isn't a bug, it's just that stories open in a new URL? Though, I'm still confused at how these are dismissed if a user opens one. I think they'd naturally expect this is a modal rather than a new link 🤔
Paul Bakaus
@simongabriel one of the makers of the editor here. Totally hear you. On Desktop, we do have a Gutenberg/blog embed widget that allows you to embed the story itself on a page, with more integrations coming (e.g. modal). Stay tuned!
Svend Court-Payen
@simongabriel Agreed! Web stories for e-comm has a huge potential - here's one way to embed web stories on an e-comm website
Simon Gabriel
@pbakaus thanks so much Paul! That sounds great. Very excited for its potential and I’m going to try and get a small feature through our next sprint to test it out. I’ve dropped you a follow on Twitter also and may send some tweets if I have any questions? Fantastic work! And brilliant launch.
Pete Cashmore
This is really slick, congrats! 👏 I remember we built Stories for the web a few years back at Mashable -- ironically we called it Reels -- (maybe around the same time that Amp Stories started?) and quickly learned how tough it is to make the Stories format work on the open web. But you've really nailed it!!
George Deglin
Neat product and congrats on the launch! Will web stories be shown in Google Search results in a different way than other pages?
Malte Ubl
@gdeglin This is how they currently appear Stay tuned 😉
Nemanja Popovic
@simongabriel Yes, it works great with ecom websites, we even build a native Shopify integration that works out of the box, you can see it on Shopify and here is our site
Adithya Shreshti
Google's own Web Strories is out of beta and officially available now. Create stories that show case your content in a visual way without crazy coding. Read more here:
Christoph Paterok
Coding a Web Story "by hand" can be really time intensive. Love the simple UI of this Plugin.
Avinash Singh
Was easy to setup :) Good Job Guys
Ghost Kitty
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Jim Kleban
Nice! Next wire in a recommendation algo and you have TikTok for Anything on the Web.