David Vivero

Health Costs, by Amino - Compare cost estimates for specific doctors & regions

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David Vivero
Why is it that can you easily find out how much your car or house will cost (or dinner!), but not estimate the cost of a big surgery or doctor's visit? This question has stumped me for years, but I’m excited to say that our team at Amino is trying to change this. Today we launched a free service to help Americans estimate their health care costs. It’s available at www.amino.com/cost. Using Amino, you can now find health care costs for nearly 50 medical services or procedures, compare cost differences in your region, and estimate what you might pay for experienced doctors based on your insurance – all for free. To determine our cost estimates, we analyzed $860 billion in insurance claims from the past year, then applied sophisticated data science modeling to create specific estimates for each doctor and insurance combination. We’ll be adding more cost estimates over time, working towards our goal of covering every medical service and procedure, across every doctor and facility in America. Our cost estimates can be used to start a conversation with your doctor about costs, understand how much you might want to save before an elective procedure, or help inform when and where you have a procedure done. We believe that everyone deserves to know how much their health care costs—and we’d love to hear your feedback! - David Vivero, co-founder of Amino
Halle Tecco
yaaaaaaaaaas this is long overdue for Americans -- thank you AMINO for your relentless work to bring this feature to the people!
Daniel F Lopes
Apps delivering high value to society - would like to see more of these in PH. (TBC, I also like entertainment apps - they do also provide value. But I think we all agree that more of these wouldn't hurt at all.) @davidvivero Congrats to you and the team for the initiative. What's your business model?
David Vivero
@danflopes Thanks! We certainly are considering several novel business models, and in the very short term, we are supported by patient VCs who've enabled us to focus on squarely on building a consumer-first product that’s not biased by advertising by doctors or mismatched incentives. We will continue to keep the information free for all, and may earn revenue through valuable services offered on top of this information. Regardless of what we pursue, we will continue to put consumers first.
I can't thank you enough! Too much of my life has been spent in the dark with healthcare pricing/arguing with insurance companies!