Chris Messina

Ambronite v5 - Drinkable Supermeal that quenches hunger for 5 hours.

Top Hunter

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Supposedly a tastier approach to the Soylent opportunity. Haven't tried it yet, but look forward to giving it a shot!
Simo T. Suoheimo
@chrismessina Yes, and all delicious real foods & plant based, like almonds, greens and wild bilberries. Can't wait to hear your take on the taste and hunger-quenching effect!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@simo_t_suoheimo bilberries?
Simo T. Suoheimo
@chrismessina Bilberries are essentially badass blueberries. They're a wild cousin of blueberries (Vaccinium Myrtillus) hand picked from the wilderness from above the Arctic Circle. Several times higher in antioxidants (ORAC) than blueberries and almost any other berry, and higher in vitamins C, E and beneficial anthocyanins that are shown to fight inflammation, diabetes and infections.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@simo_t_suoheimo cool! I figured it wasn't a typo!
Vanessa Etc
Intriqued, but the price point is a deterrent for trial.
Simo T. Suoheimo
@likesoamazing Hi Vanessa! You can grab a sample of one Ambronite Supermeal v5 here:
Simo T. Suoheimo
@likesoamazing Free global shipping is included!
Mikko Ikola
@boaticus Thanks Ken! :)
Melissa Rios
@simo_t_suoheimo Nevermind, found the US sample page with trial shipping. Looking forward to trying it out.
Kal Freese
What's the longest time you've lived on Ambronite? 😅
Simo T. Suoheimo
@kallefreese We've tested this, of course, although it's not the idea to replace all meals completely (where's the fun in that!). Our team members have lived off of Ambronite for a few weeks as an experiment, the longest time I think is around two weeks. We love enjoying meals with friends and family too, so this is not really ideal in everyday life for most people because of the different roles social meals play in our life. We launched the first versions in 2013, and Ambronite Supermeals out of real food ingredients have been a part of my life and adventures (and those of our teams' and fans') ever since, typically on a 1-3 meals a day basis. My longest personal streak of going all-Ambronite is 7 days. I felt great the whole time, had lots of energy (and time!), tons of focus at work and strength on the rock climbing wall. It covered all my nutritional bases and doesn't weigh you down like snacks, junk food or heavy buffet lunches, so it's not all that surprising. On a typical outdoor expedition, like climbing or ski touring, I often get 80-90% of my nutrients from Ambronite, which is the ultimate option in terms of weight and performance in the outdoors. In a nut shell, Ambronite can replace any meal and can be enjoyed at any time when you want to quench hunger and stay productive for 5 hours. The social aspect of enjoying great meals is one of the great joys in life, so total replacement of everything is not really the idea. We're all about living life to the fullest, after all!
Mikko Ikola
@kallefreese Two weeks personally. Worked out pretty great. I even went to extensive blood panel before and after and all markers were fine. The thing I like about Ambronite the most is that your can always predict how you are going to feel afterwards. After having a meal, you know that you will have 4-5 hours of steady energy and you can focus on whatever task at hand. So, during the 2 week test, my energy levels were great and I could get stuff done. That said, I missed dinners with my friends and lunch breaks with colleagues. It was really a psychological challenge rather than a nutritional challenge. Instead of lunch meetings I scheduled afternoon coffees :) Well, after all the intention is that Ambronite can replace any meal, but it doesn't need to replace every meal. Personally I kickstart my every morning with Ambronite breakfast and have normal food during other time of the day. Socializing is important part of being a human and sharing a meal is great way for that
Riku Lindholm
When should we expect a nut-free version?😋
Simo T. Suoheimo
@rikulindholm Thanks for the question! Ambronite v5 has almonds, a key source of healthy essential fatty acids in our perfect mix of healthy fats. We've looked into other plant based sources that would be as as good or better, but almonds have turned out to be pretty much unbeatable (and delicious!) So no date yet, but this is definitely on our radar :)
Joelle Alcaidinho
@simo_t_suoheimo I second @rikulindholm question as a person with nut allergies... and as a vegetarian it's super challenging to find something that works
Nelli Lähteenmäki
I am such a huge fan of ambronite. Morning smoothies. Lunch. After-workout snack. Great to see v5 here!
Mikko Ikola
@nellieliina Thanks Nelli! :-)
Karolina Miller
Congrats on the new version! How do you choose the suppliers for the ingredients?
Arno Paula
@karolina_miller Thank you. Here's a brief overview on our ingredient supplier selection. First, we look for the origin or country that has most experience in cultivating any particular ingredient. For instance, Finland, despite being a tiny country, is World's third largest producer of oats. The environment is excellent for nutrient rich oat cultivation and producers poses deep knowledge of the ingredient processing, usage applications etc. Second, we get technical specifications, certificates and products samples from several producers which enable us to inspect and ensure the nutritional quality as well as taste and mouthfeel. For instance, Italian almonds are the creamiest and have virtually zero bitter off-flavors compared to e.g. Spanish almonds. For vegetables and especially sea-vegetables Spirulina and Chlorella the cultivation and quality standards of the producer make world of a difference in nutritional value and taste. Essentially, we test taste ingredients in our kitchen to determine the best ones. Finally, we endorse open and collaborative relationships with our vendors driven by integrity, fair practices and a genuine commitment to create healthier and more sustainable food products of the future. We work with suppliers who are genuinely good companies with great people.
Jeff Bajayo
At $10-$12/meal there's absolutely no way this is a soylent competitor. I would totally be a customer, but at a much lower price point. It's easier for me to go grab lunch at the vegan restaurant down the block for $12.
Mikko Ikola
@jeffbajayo Thanks for your comment Jeff. You're right we're not as direct competitor to many cheap powders out there as people might think. Thing that we share with them, is that we are all producing powdered food which is convenient to drink. However, the similarities pretty much end there. Our philosophy and ingredients are from different planet. It's important to realize that we never intended to develop a cheap meal subsitute from artificial ingredients you could survive on. This has been the mission for many of our competitors, though. Our mission at Ambronite was to develop the world's first drinkable supermeal from high-quality real-food ingredients. A product that would give you everything your body needs and make you thrive. The ingredients we use (oats, nuts, berries, spinach, nettle etc 17 in total) are valuable. We enable you to enjoy the same healthy ingredients you're using as part of normal meals - now in a convenient powder format. The vitamins & minerals you get from Ambronite are coming directly from the food ingredients, not cheap artificial supplements. For some people this difference is extremely important. Especially to our team and most of our customers. It's true that there is also large group of people who couldn't care less. Ambronite is not created for these people. If you're looking for the cheapest possible way to survive with powdered food, you should look for other product than Ambronite. We're on the premium side - most of our customers have above the average understanding of nutrition. PS. Comment regarding the pricing: If you join our monthly program (cancel any time) price of one meal is $9.4 including shipping to the US - around the same or a bit less as eating out. Also, you save 1 hour when having a busy day.
Joshua Pinter
"add water" :( I've been spoiled with Soylent's Coffiest.
Simo T. Suoheimo
@joshuapinter You're right, it's not an instant ready to drink in a bottle. This is because Ambronite is made of real food. We handle real foods with care and powder them down to preserve their nutrients, to provide an exceptional real-food nutrient source which ready-made drinks can't match. Preparing Ambronite is super easy and fast, it only takes 30sec with a shaker and is all delicious, real food, like wild berries and greens!
Mikko Ikola
@joshuapinter Ready-to-drink and powder meal have a bit different qualities. Ready-to-drink is great if it simply sits at the office/kitchen. However, when you want to have food for outdoor adventuring, powdered meal is much light-weight and easier to carry. Also, if you'd like to tune the taste and prepare custom smoothies, you can use Ambronite as a base in a blender and mix your favourite fruits and berries. So, there's many sides to it :)
Allu Pallu
Dry food isn't a new thing, right. What's so special about Ambronite?
Simo T. Suoheimo
@greekjesus Great q! Unlike other foods, Ambronite is a real-food Supermeal for superheroes: - Quenches hunger for 5h in 2min (not your average salad or takeout!) - Covers all your nutritional bases (seriously, we packed each and every known essential nutrient in!) - Real food that makes your mind and body thrive (that's why our fans are busy pros, startup guys, adventurers and athletes!) Essentially, it's a perfect (delicious) food that makes you thrive. :)
Juho Makkonen
I've heard you mention the taste has improvement a lot over the past versions (I tasted v3 I think, and the taste was ok, but there was definitely room for improvement). What did you do to make v5 taste better?
Arno Paula
@kusti To make the Supermeal taste better we changed some of the ingredient (e.g. Spirulina and chlorella) into even cleaner quality with zero off-flavours. We threw in a teaspoonful of agave syrup for sweetness, a little bit of cranberries, as well as a hint of vanilla and natural aromas to bring up the flavours of Nordic berries. On top of that we replaced rice protein with oat protein that has silky smooth texture. The new flavour is really amazing compared to the earlier versions.
Tony Horton says that the right macros are 40 / 30 / 30 - how's that with the new version of Ambronite?
Simo T. Suoheimo
@lassej The macro breakdown is 41% carbs / 35% fats / 24% protein. Each meal has a full 30 grams of complete protein, as well as a perfect mix of healthy fats, which has been the basis for the chosen macro breakdown. This is to ensure that the product covers all nutritional bases in a scientifically based balance that our bodies can use effectively. We've worked on this extensively with M.D's and nutrition experts.
Anssi Uimonen
Great job guys!
Mikko Ikola
@radikaalanssi Thanks Anssi!
Drew Schiff
Interesting, but at more than triple Soylent coffiest I'm surprised no one here is seeing $10/meal as a bit of a deterrent.
Mikko Ikola
@drewdaism Thanks Drew for your comment. Have a look at my reply on Jeff B's question, he had a similar comment and I replied there
Eerily familiar
#pyramidscheme #herbalife @simo_t_suoheimo @arnopaula @pessi_peura @mikkoikola @chrismessina
Mikko Ikola
@elizabethhunker @simo_t_suoheimo @arnopaula @pessi_peura @chrismessina LOL! :-) Somebody really put all of his video editing talent together in this one clip. Just a small note regarding "pyramidscheme" - we do not have Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) program if that was what you referenced to. Have a great day!
Miika Perä
Best tasting version so far! Wondering what's coming up next ?
Mikko Ikola
@miikapera Glad to hear! See my answer to Jesse regarding the future plans
Jesse ✌️
Huge fan of the promise of Ambronite, especially having been in the supplement for a long time. So many meal replacements fall on their face, this one seems to actually do the job. What are your guy's plans for the future? New flavours? New versions of Ambronite?
Mikko Ikola
@jessethanley Thanks for your kind words Jesse! Yes, that was mainly the reason we started with Ambronite originally. To solve our own daily challenge of finding extremely healthy yet convenient meal. Most other similar products simply have some compromises in them. Regarding the future plans, there are more stuff in the long-term pipeline besides the current product. We want to stay true to real-food ingredients, create product that help people to not only survive, but thrive in their daily lives. Anyway, that's all I can reveal currently :-)
Ill probably try the sample offer, but yeah, the price is, naturally, quite high!
Simo T. Suoheimo
@orliesaurus Go ahead, excited to hear your thoughts on the new delicious version! I believe that as the cornerstone of our daily happiness, health and productivity, food that makes you thrive is a good investment - especially when you get a full lunch of the good stuff that covers all your bases at the price of takeout. Me and my team, we created Ambronite initially for ourselves, because we couldn't find a product that would fulfill our own, high standards. Our ingredients are real and valuable, they're goodies that we love to use in their all forms (also in the kitchen!) and we're really proud of them. They're real foods you can read, recognize and pronounce. They're authentic, because we know that cheap and fake just doesn't fly.
Hilla Pyykkönen
Why powdered / drinkable Ambronite? Could the powder be turned into bar form? A bar might be more convenient on the go and in between meetings.
Mikko Ikola
@hilla_pyykkonen Great question Hilla. It's something that's have been on our drawing board as a long-term product idea. It's true that a snack-size Ambronite would fit into a bar and be handy in as a go-to-snack. However, that wouldn't quench hunger as well as the current 500 kcal drinkable supermeal. If we were to put all 500 kcal bar with 30 grams of protein, people's jaws muscles would be sore after chewing :) The bar would simply be really large. Some 250 kcal bar would be optimal. Thanks for asking about this. We'll keep our community updated of the new products in the future
Hilla Pyykkönen
@mikkoikola thanks. A colleague of mine said Ambronite had taken away his sudden sugar cravings - a bar would be perfect also for those moments!
Mikko Ikola
@hilla_pyykkonen Glad to hear :) Yes, that's what I also personally noticed. When you have Ambronite e.g. once a day or build some sort of "Ambronite habit", you start to realize the better feeling you have after consumption. Also, it's easy to notice how easily the good feeling is ruined with a sugary snack or similar. So eventually, if you follow the signals from your body, you actually want to start avoiding sugar more consciously
Vanessa Vandy
Is it possible to get an Ambronite subscription (get a certain amount of Ambronite meals every month)? If so, how does it work?
Mikko Ikola
@vanessa_vandy Thanks for asking Vanessa. Yes, it's possible to get Ambronite as a monthly subscription. Actually, half of our webshop revenue come from monthly subscribers. People tend to subscribe when they find a slot in their day where Ambronite really solves a problem, and then build a habit having Ambronite always at the same occasion / time of the day. Pricing: We offer 15% discount for people who subscribe. The plan for 10 meals is $84.15 USD per month + shipping (instead of $99 for single-purchase). There is no risk whatsoever - the subscription can be cancelled any time.
Jesse Kinnunen
How much punishment can the packaging take? Considering hikes and hunts when the gear is gonna get wet and experience some wear and tear.
Mikko Ikola
@jessekinnunen It can take a lot :) Ambronite package is made out of a high barrier three layer laminate material that preserves the nutrients and taste. It's also really durable. Sometimes I've forgotten meal pouch in my backbag for as long as 1-2 months. There's never been a single tear/hole/defect even after that, and it has saved my day when I've been in urgent need of my Ambronite fix :) So, the packaging is durable and suitable for outdoor adventuring