Interesting. I’ve backed a few Kickstarter/Indiegogo projects but I always fear that the product might not make it and I’ll have thrown my money away. Amazon charging backers only if a product hits the funding goal would alleviate that fear and get more people to fund such projects :D
Wow. I love this initiative. I truly believe things will become more crowdsourced/crowdfunded as we continue with this new wave of digital revolution. Smart move by Amazon - I just hope that they move beyond only Alexa items. For now, the post-it note printer has peaked my interest.
This isn't kickstarter, this is a game changer as electronics gets more modular. Its Amazon's device divisions notion of a "no-code" concept, tho this time its no product team, no logistics hell, no screwed over by hardware issues and unforseen aspects you could never predict without experience. Knowing Amazon this is a multilayer test.
Product Hunt
OtO Lawn