Chris Messina

Amazon Build It - Help make your favorite device ideas real

Top Hunter

Want to decide which devices Amazon builds next? Check out the video above to learn how you can play a part in innovation at Amazon.

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Anna Filou
Interesting. I’ve backed a few Kickstarter/Indiegogo projects but I always fear that the product might not make it and I’ll have thrown my money away. Amazon charging backers only if a product hits the funding goal would alleviate that fear and get more people to fund such projects :D
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Amazon has just invented A/B presale..
Gabe Perez
Wow. I love this initiative. I truly believe things will become more crowdsourced/crowdfunded as we continue with this new wave of digital revolution. Smart move by Amazon - I just hope that they move beyond only Alexa items. For now, the post-it note printer has peaked my interest.
Dan Rockwell
This isn't kickstarter, this is a game changer as electronics gets more modular. Its Amazon's device divisions notion of a "no-code" concept, tho this time its no product team, no logistics hell, no screwed over by hardware issues and unforseen aspects you could never predict without experience. Knowing Amazon this is a multilayer test.
Jim Engine
Nice to take part in one of the greatest and innovative companies in the world
Ali Sabti
Great concept.
Emmanuel A. Simon
Quirky Reborn!!!
Thomas Radman
Sounds great, but how can I contribute with my own ideas on new products?