Alex Romanchykov

Amadine for Mac, iPad and iPhone - The ultimate vector graphics software for Mac, iOS and iPads

Amadine is a vector drawing app for Mac, iPad and iPhone with a perfectly balanced UI that guarantees smooth workflow and learning. It is ideal for illustrations, designing websites, user interface, laying out flyers and brochures, creating logos and icons.

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Thanks, Alex! I'm elated at the honor to present Amadine to my fellow Product Hunters! Amadine is here to bring fun and intuitiveness to both professional and amateur illustrators. There's everything a graphic designer needs wrapped in an uncluttered and intuitive interface, every feature and tool is clear and easily accessible. Free Trial is available from the website - try out all the scope of functionality in one go. Make use of the ultimate vector graphic design software for colorific illustrations, mockups, UI and web design. The price is pleasant for all who know what a professional app is worth. Our step-by-step tutorials help you start from scratch with next to no knowledge of the drawing apps. We'll be happy to answer all your questions!
Colin Smith (EzChile)
Really impressive. Well done. Looking forward to seeing this on iPad.
Alex Romanchykov
iOS version is in the development. We have hopes that it will come this year.
Amos Gyamfi
@alex_romanchykov Hi Alex, will the iOS version support SVG export in your first release? Would like to know before I buy this.
Alex Romanchykov
@amos_gyamfi We consider SVG export as a must-have functionality. We will do our best to have it in first release.
Alexander Spoor
This looks so dope, great job folks! 👏👏👏 Really hoping the iOS version will be able to run projects made on macOS and vice-versa.
girish wadhwani
This looks very interesting. Great job, guys!
Serge Savenko
Is it compatible with macOS Catalina?
Alex Romanchykov
@serge_savenko Oops, sorry did miss your question, Serge. Yes, it does.
Alok Asthana
is it available on windows ?
Gustavo Olvera
Se puede pasar a idioma español???
Gustavo Olvera
Los tutoriales son buenos, pero en ocasiones dan por entendido que una persona conoce el manejo del programa y uno se comienza a perder. Podrían hacer tutoriales con mayor sencillez???