
Altstore - A home for apps that push the boundaries on iOS


AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken devices. Unlike other unofficial app stores today, AltStore does not rely on enterprise certificates, which Apple has been cracking down on more and more recently.

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Justin Rockmore
Looks cool - Would love to see some of the "boundary pushing" apps on your website before I have to: Download a file to my computer...plug in my phone...and then download that file to my phone too
Brendan Hersh
@justin_rockmore +1. Would also love to see more privacy information before installing, like why we have to use a special installer and the effects it could have on our phones. Seems like a cool idea, though!
Justin Rockmore
@bdn Yeah I definitely agree with you - this idea seems great, but oddly sketchy given the lack of website info and the fact that it apparently (according to others) asks for my AppleID + Password...
Josselin Colletta
Impressive technically, yet be careful as it asks for your Apple IDs, maybe use a secondary one.
@josselinco An Apple ID is required to sign the apps, meaning that apple can't unsign them (as its a "developer" certificate). It's basically a direct IPA store. This is completely different than tweakbox and other alt app stores, as they rely on already existing certificates only hosted on apple's servers (meaning they can unsign them on every phone). This is also why apps only last 7 days before it has to resign itself. If you're worried about your password being compromised, I would suggest using an app password which you can generate on edit: they have a semi-hidden FAQ page which I found on their twitter (@altstoreio)
I've been testing the beta of this for the last few days and now I am finally reliving my childhood by being able to play my favorite Gameboy games on my phone ❤️ Thanks for making this @rileytestut 🙏
This is pretty cool, but something tells me it isn't gonna stay around for long...
Tony Tabor
Where are the games?
iOS Thunder
@tt122x With your iPhone, go to and choose a game you want to download on your device. Save the game file in the "Files". Then open the "Files" app and select the game file, then hit "Share" and then choose "More". Then find the button "Copy to Delta". And then voila! I'm playing Pokemon lol
Bojan Dimov
Sure, I am metroid game lover and i this is good for my phone. I am reading latest news about metroid and download options on this site:
Joabe Silva
nintendo download, roms snes
Nacho Iannella
Good to see Apple ask you to put a secondary password for apps. You don't need to put your apple id password
Joey Johnson
When I try to download this it says "the software needs to be updated"
Rohan Sanap
How do I submit/distribute app via AltStore?
Billy White
I love using this while playing Game Boy Advance games. Thanks Alstore. You can also download emulator games in
John Seager
One of my favourite for playing retro games. I use this source for downloading