Algorithmic trading in 3 steps.
Anthony Krivonos

AlgoRaven β€” Create trading algorithms in 3 steps.

AlgoRaven empowers literally anyone to create, run, and share complex trading algorithms with a simple drag-and-drop interface, built-in tutorials, and social features.
Naveed Rehman
this is the most crazy (in positive way) thing i hv seen ever! a few years ago, i used to code bots in mt4 for my clients. so i can relate it. im working on something related to signals. i ll get in touch later. congratulations on the launch πŸ‘πŸ™‚πŸ€˜
Anthony Krivonos
A year ago, I wanted to create a tool to empower people financially, even through the rocky market conditions of the present. I was fortunate enough that my closest friends felt the same way, and so we spent 20-30 hours a week creating AlgoRaven over the past year. It’s finally out in open beta and it’s free to use for anyone. Would be great if you could try it out!