Carmen Valtierra de Luis

Airbuds - Friends listening activity


Airbuds is a widget for best friends to share their listening activity. You and your friends can see what each other is listening to right on your home screens. You can react to songs, play music on the app, and start a conversation.

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Gilles Poupardin
thanks @carmen_valti1 - discovering your post this morning :) Airbuds is a widget app to see your friends listening activity right on your Home Screen. We hope it makes you feel closer to your best friends through the music they're listening to at any moment. This is a very early version, that currently only works with Spotify. We've had a lot of fun playing with it and are happy to get the PH community feedback. Have fun!
Angela Dickinson
@gillespoupardin Nice idea! I like the react and conversation starter side of this, haven't seen that before
Lin Romashkova
It turned out great! Congrats on your launch 😊
Loïck Müller
I've been using it for a few weeks now! It is a must-have for music enthusiasts. Congrats on your launch guys 🤩
Gilles Poupardin
@loickm thanks and glad you love it!
using it for weeks now, really fun product!
Gilles Poupardin
@vimarethomas awesome to hear! <3
Antoine Martin
Have been using it for a month or so now, and love how it brings music more often in my life through the widget. Have discovered some gems from @corentinanjuna thanks to it!
Gilles Poupardin
@corentinanjuna @an21m Thanks Antoine! have also discovered gems from Corentin! <3
Carmen Valtierra de Luis
Airbuds App is a cool way to interact with your friend's musical taste. Sometimes you can feel proud and other times very ashamed :D Lately, this is how I have discovered new songs that I love now. PS: the creators are friends and family so I know I am biased. Test the App by yourself and tell me what you think ;)
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@carmen_valti1 love this idea! What do you think of the new Spotify Friends Activity?
Carmen Valtierra de Luis
@chrismessina I don’t know, I didn’t test it yet :) And you? Wdyt?
Nathan Weinstock
Love this idea!
Manisha Shah
Amazing Idea!!
Sergio Teixeira
I’ve recently just found the app, it looks amazing and fun to use but it’s unavailable in the uk. Will it come out in the uk and if so when?ifOf it comes out in the uk then can’t wait!Looks like an amazing app.
Jye Sandiford
Not available in my region when trying to download. Based in Germany :(
Gilles Poupardin
@sandiforward indeed we're currently only available in US and France
Carmen Valtierra de Luis
@sandiforward Indeed, for now it’s only available in France and the USA. Would you like to be informed when Airbuds will be available in your country?