@tianhan2 of course, but it's about the execution of the product. A floating platform is some kind of a functional expression of a technology, a floating bonsai is just magical. I don't think the technological application is the value proposition here, it's what you do with it. Nice found on Amazon though!
@phuckiennguyen Oh I absolutely agree! The design, marketing and presentation of this product is definitely what differentiates it from something you can buy on amazon ;)
What a beautiful product. However I think, as with most advertisements, the product shown won't match the product delivered. Bonsais are hard to keep, young saplings aren't as impressive as old ones which have been cared for for years. I wonder if they have considered doing other levitating things besides plants.
The idea is cool but... What about the center of mass? Everything fits when it's hanging from a wire but I have some concerns about this. Are you going to calculate the position of every bonsai in order to keep it balanced?
@jakewesorick@knzio In the kickstarter video there is a very short (1.5-2 second blurb) that says something to the effect that "Balance is a new challenge to overcome".
The idea of bonsai anyway is to enjoy nature while also influencing it. So even traditional bonsai is about modifying and assisting the tree to grow as YOU want it to grow. Being somewhat in control and somewhat out of control is part of the "Zen" that makes bonsai such a soothing hobby. So I imagine the idea of balance is something you now need to consider when controlling the growth of your bonsai tree.
Awesome idea, product and bonsai ^.^ . I think you should work on a way to stop rotating, or at least, go slower. Congratulations and hope you can raise enough funds.
Watch out Chia pet! This is a zenned out pet rock 2.0. Definitely a "how come no one thought of this product before?". I bet a 8 figure product by year end if they can meet demand.