AI-partner search
AI-powered life partner search experience
Michael Seibel

Betterhalf — India's first and only matrimony app without parents

Betterhalf app is used by over 700K urban Indians and offers them the world's fastest matching in one click. This matching technology is faster than Tinder and more accurate than eHarmony.
Kanan Tandi
Awesome idea! Funny story, few days back I was looking for something like this as we have something which can increase more consumers on the platform. My startup's name is CogniCue and we are into emotion detection. Would love to share on how can we bring more value. @rahul_namdev , would you be willing to connect?
Pawan Gupta
@rahul_namdev @kanan_tandi please send a note to and we'd be happy to look at it.
Pawan Gupta
Hello Product Hunters 👋 We are thrilled to be here and introduce Betterhalf ( to the world. Thanks to @mwseibel for helping us to launch Betterhalf on the product hunt 🥳 How did it start? I went to MIT Sloan for my MBA and had a chance to meet Rahul at MIT CSAIL during his Computer Science course. While I used many matchmaking products and had a frustrating experience going through the process, Rahul’s first engagement broke. Why was Betterhalf built? We realized that traditional matrimonial sites in India suck because they were designed for parents instead of urban Indians and match people on outdated matching parameters like religion and caste/community. How the product works: Betterhalf app is used by 700k urban Indians without the involvement of parents and offers them the world's fastest matching in a single click (US Patent Application No. 16/777,773). This matching technology is faster than Tinder and more accurate than eHarmony / This technology predicts religion, language, community, partner preferences and behavioural traits in a single click, onboards users in a few seconds compared to a 20-min wait in traditional matrimonial sites. In a nutshell, users get matched faster than Tinder but more accurately than eHarmony/ 90% of females and 50% of males get matched on Betterhalf within the first 30-days. Success stories: Over a thousand couples got married through Betterhalf. Please read more success stories here: Success stories:
Long term vision: Indians spend a billion dollar on finding a marriage partner but they spend 100 billion dollars on their big fat weddings themselves. That’s why our long-term vision is to expand Betterhalf to be the world’s largest marketplace for Indian weddings. Since this is our first Product Hunt launch, it is really special for us. We would love your support. Try out the Betterhalf app and please feel free to post your questions/feedback in the comments!
Lads, how do you define "successful marriages"? :) Just curious
Kanan Tandi
@vasgo Well, I feel, where both the partners are happy, loyal and committed with/to each other and free to do things that they want without hiding it from the other.
Rahul Mathur
Why should uncles & aunties have all the fun? ;)