Aaron O'Leary

Agora - A decentralized MarketPlace built on BlockStack

Agora is a decentralized MarketPlace built on BlockStack where you can create your own store and buy and sell items

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Ghost Kitty
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blockstack yummy
@aaronoleary @cycryptr 1. Anthony Ronning, this project is cool, could the escrow services using two deposit mechanism like bitmarkets? Buyers and sellers can both use bitcoin(or other multi-cryptocurrencies) multi signature feature to deposit bitcoin firstto secure their each transaction. Totally no middle man. its github here https://github.com/VoluntaryLabs... ,openbazaar don't have two deposit features 2. open source and community driven are great, especially for decentralized apps and websites.
blockstack yummy
@aaronoleary @cycryptr 1. Two double deposit means that sellers and buyers have to deposit the same bitcoin and take the same risk together before they close their transaction, 100% controlled by bitcoin itself not like paypal, alipay, stripe,etc. The main con is that is too slow for syncing data now.You can find more infos here.https://voluntarylabs.org/bitmar... 2. users can store their data on different storage suppliers, like gaia, Amazon and dropbox.So, how can you make their product items all readable and searchable by price or date if 100 sellers post the products with the same keywords?
Nathan Ray
Great Idea, careful with the name I know a company called Agoramesh.com in the space that do similar things.
Mike Cohen
Hi Anthony - nice work... I tried to enter public info but the save button didn't seem to do anything - if you let me know if its a bug I'll try again when fixed..
Kevin Koo Seng Kiat
Website seems offline. Has it gone to a new URL?