Let the right information find you
Paul Sobiecki
Adstral Startup Recommendations — The only place in the world to recommend you startup reads
Let the right information FIND YOU. Go to the level of Adstral Startup Recommendations, get personalized recommendations, and for once know what to do. Enjoy the clarity that can give you.
Eren Gündüz
Great content! Good luck on the launch 🚀
Wow! 👏🏽🔥
Paul Sobiecki
@ankit_sparks Thank you! We really try to do something wonderful here :)
Josh Askew
Amazing concept, this will be helpful for so many founders.
Paul Sobiecki
@joshua_askew And an amazing puzzle to solve :) I am really enjoying this project, thank you for your comment!
Paul Sobiecki
Hello, my fellow Product Hunters! This is something really awesome that I have the privilege of showing you. Have you ever not known what to do? Of course, you did. And here's where we come. Adstral Startup Recommendations is a place for you to see what worked for others, on paths similar to your own, and read what helped them. See what problems they tackled and instinctively know solutions to them before they even happen. Yup, that level :) The service is organized to show posts in a straight-to-the-point problem-solution fashion. Feel free to go to the website, at the bottom (in the footer actually) you can find our FAQ. This is the first stage. Keep updated to get early access to the next stages: My Twitter Our Discord
Ballove Feizai
Amazing product! this will be helpful for so many founders.
Paul Sobiecki
@feizai We think so too! Thank you for your comment :)
Maria Greer
I read on your site (FAQ) that you are currently early beta. How much will the service evolve and how long until the full version is out?
Paul Sobiecki
@maria_greer Well, the project is so massive that it's not perfectly easy to say. Months? Something like that I think. Nevertheless, the current moment may be the best to get to the platform to get long-term benefits out of that :)
Mary Wells
So cool project, guys! It's so rare that you find projects that have a hard scientific backing to them, that someone actually spent time (years??? nice) to make true discoveries and not just launched sth straight away
Paul Sobiecki
@mary_wells Thank you! Yes, we have the unique ability to do what we intend to do in the world, but it took me years to get the novel statistical solutions required for the AI
Rachel Tyler
Wow, something so different! I love the idea, made a new account
Lily Wood
I am an entrepreneur, and I can see a huge use for your service. Adstra seems to be able to save me so much time, good job!
Claud Booker
Wow, interesting! Such cool idea, a new approach to gathering information, nice work
Anthony Page
Congrats to the whole team! This project seems so well thought-out, even in beta I can see its usefulness in my work, already made an account and will keep an eye on your project
Paul Sobiecki
@anthony_page1 So great to hear :)
Lorraine Horton
This is such a brave project, love it! Nice slogan, “let the right information find you”. In the current era of information overflow it seems like a way to avoid information chaos.
Paul Sobiecki
@lorraine_horton Thank you, Lorraine!
Marion Ramsey
I see that you will need many users for your site to work, do you already have a decent amount? How fast are you growing? But seems cool overall!