Anna Vital

Visual Biographies - Timelines of amazing lives for visual learners


Infographics of famous people in history, including: Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Leonardo, and Mark Zuckerberg. Find out how they got started, and create your own with the Adioma infographic maker tool, that creates infographics with icons, grids and timelines.

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Anna Vital
Hi guys, this is a collection of visual biographies we created over several years, most recently using Adioma as our visualization tool. The idea started with a desire to better remember what we read in books. I would love to hear suggestions about who we should visualize next. Thank you for reading. UPDATE: Here is what the creation process for these looks like.
Dainis Kanopa
@annavitals As I can find a pricing section in your website, that means this "collection" was created with a specific purpose (to generate leads)?
Anna Vital
@dainiskanopa We started this collection with no specific purpose back in 2014. Since then, we created an infographic tool that makes it faster to build this type of infographics. It's
Gabriel Lewis
Interesting way to measure a life. I wonder what mine would look like. 🤔
Anna Vital
@gabriel__lewis You can do it with a tool we built since we did this project. It builds this kind of timelines.
Emmanuel Lemor
This is really great... assuming this can be done not just for Tech people, here are a few people that would be worth doing: 1. Mahatma Gandhi 2. Albert Einstein 3. Pope Francis [I'm not religious just thought of influencers] 4. Napoleon Bonaparte etc..
Anna Vital
@exlemor Emmanuel, thank you for the suggestions. We already visualized Einstein's life here.
Emmanuel Lemor
@annavitals Thanks, really great, I shared them on my Pinterest - the only sad part is how we as a society have gotten to the point where sound bites [and visual soundbites] is about the only we process anymore ;(
Anna Vital
@exlemor I hope that these motivate people to read more, not less. It's not a substitute for books, but more like a visual summary. I've seen some authors use our tool make infographics for their books. On the other hand, we can always make the infographics themselves more informative. I think about that a lot - how to pack more meaning into a tight space.
Emmanuel Lemor
@annavitals Wish I could double Upvote on that comment - I agree I'd like to hope that it would make people read more not less but... Great job either way!
Andreas Duess
@exlemor @annavitals while this is a popular statement, it is also a myth. There has been no reduction in attention span that is in any way measurable. Indeed, the "short attention span" argument has been made since the 1950's always without any data to support it. According to all of the publishers out there, long form content outperforms short form content to this day.
Lisa Dziuba
I guess such "life stories posters" can become a good part of many startup offices. I don't know about educational purpose, because that just a small pieces of information.... but for boosting motivation such timelines (printed) can be very useful. And great example of virus campaign for your initial tool. Good luck!
Anna Vital
@lisadziuba Lisa, yep, it helps us remember that building a company is not a sprint but a marathon. We have all these up on the walls at our office
Your visualisation tool is amazing, congrats Anna and Mark - well done
Mark Vital
@steveraffner thank you, Steve. Glad you found it useful
Alexis Kim
Hey Anna! I really love your website! I bumped into it last weekend while googling some research about start-up funding so its so awesome to see it pop up on PH. I loved they way you've visualized the biographies, though I also found that the notes that you included below the infographic was just as important to have as a follow-up to the images. I almost skipped them when I was done with the infographic so I think you should incorporate them as part of the infographic at the bottom as text notes, b/c I think most people would skip that over too, but it enhances the visual timeline 1000%! Otherwise, amazing work. I think you should do Trump next and the key players of his administration. Fact checking these guys and disseminating that info, I think that's some viral stuff! Especially when you can compare his "businesses" with legit companies.
Mark Vital
@carmensandiego Good point, that mostly happens because people share the graphic without crediting. Need to think how to incorporate all that text into the graphic without making it look too busy.
Anna Vital
@carmensandiego Great suggestion, Alexis, we are doing Trump right now. 70 years worth of facts to check!
Sergey Pirogov
Looks good!
Anna Vital
@perpetuous thank you, Sergey
David Carpe
these are great - would love to see them sold as large format prints - could make a great donation to some local schools (for various people depending on student age)
Anna Vital
@passingnotes great idea, David.
Josh Mendelowitz
Really cool tool! I especially love the universal icons. Do you have student pricing options?
Anna Vital
@jmendelowitz We do, Josh. Email us to from your student email, and we'll send you the student registration link.
Axel Norvell
Excellent stuff here 👍
Anna Vital
@axertion thanks, Alex
Donna Kennett
Love these - am always interested in the paths people take to get where they are. Love the visualization that accompanies these stories.
Anna Vital
@donnamkennett Thank you, Donna
Eric Wilson
This is fantastic! When I read the first one, I expected it to end after the infographic, which was already an excellent summary, but I really appreciated the write-ups and references as well. I felt like I got the value of 15 hours of reading and synthesizing condensed into less than 1.
Anna Vital
@ecwilson Eric, I am glad. That was the goal. And hope the visualizations help you remember the stories for a while.
George Nikolic
Great stuff! I like the ease of reading all this information in a simple and chronological way.
Mark Vital
@georgenikolic that's where visual language with icons and timelines works the best
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
This is an excellent way to show what kind of graphic timelines @adiomahq can do. Very smart.
Anna Vital
@nassaraf @adiomahq Right now, Adioma can do everything except that doughnut chart in the header and illustrations at the bottom.
Michael Calkins
My only problem with this project is it's a little disingenuous as you skim over the negatives of how some of these companies come to be. For example Facebook was a stolen idea from the twins and they sued Mark winning $65 million. Instead you say he was recruited to make a dating site, drops it, and builds theFacebook in a week. If these biographies included the whole story I think you'd have something fantastic here.
Mark Vital
@michaeljcalkins yes, that's right: some biographies need a major update, like Zuckerberg one. Well, the fact that the idea is stollen is doubtful (who can someone still an idea from someone without executing it?). Although it's a good point: I think we should put it on a timeline somehow indicating the relevance/truthfulness of the fact in a visual way. The challenge here is to put the most important fact on a timeline because we can't put everything - it will become too long to scroll. Or maybe come up with an interactive version of a timeline, where clicking on a point reveals more related facts, by expanding a segment of the timeline...
Love this.. Great visualisations!
Anna Vital
@leandrobthomas thank you, Leandro
Noah Kim
I glanced at the screenshots, and thought "why is brad pitt in between steve jobs and bill gates?"
Anna Vital
@wuss LOL, Elon Musk's look changes a lot.
Paul Horne
You need a $9.95/month Blogger plan -- I think a lot of bloggers looking for interesting content would like to incorporate an occasional infographic into their blog -- like maybe 2-3/month. But at $500/year it wouldn't be worth it.
Anna Vital
@paulhorne Paul, I've seen some bloggers who use our service do more visuals because they are so fast and easy to make. You can always try for 2 weeks free and then see if the value of what you make is greater than the cost of the service.
Anna Vital
@paulhorne Here is an example of how one writer is using Adioma
Creative viewing life as a circle of 100 years and the ring stopping somewhere to indicate the years someone lived. Super interesting, read through all of them! :)
Anna Vital
@purnimamehtaa Thank you, Fiza. Once a lot of people start living past 100, we'll have to switch to a spiral :)
Oleg  Kuklin
Really good! Well done! In waiting for the new biographies.
Anna Vital
@oleg_kuklin working on them already