AdGuard for iOS Pro 2.0 - Ultimate iOS system-wide ad blocking and privacy protection
AdGuard Pro is the ultimate ad blocker and privacy protection tool for iOS. System-wide trackers blocking is not limited to Safari. DNS encryption prevents tampering and tracking by any third party including your ISP. Easy blocking of adult, phishing and malware sites. Top-notch Safari content blocking: more than 50 filters are at your service.
AdGuard MV3
AdGuard MV3
AdGuard MV3
AdGuard MV3
Love this tool, I feel safer with it.
Pros:Looks cool, saves me lots of time and bandwidth when browsing
Cons:Too many fine-tuning options for my taste. I like apps extremely simple.
Family Locator
AdGuard MV3
AdGuard MV3
Can't imagine using an iPhone without it
Pros:Easy to use, lots of options to customize, reasonably fast even with a lots of filters
Cons:"Block an ad on this page" widget almost never works. It actually generates kinda crazy blocking rules that you have to correct later