Justin Thorp

Slack Share Button by AddThis - Easiest way to get your site shared to Slack

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Justin Thorp
We're all HUGE Slack users at AddThis. Plus, adding a Slack Share Button was one of the most requested features by our users. So, during an internal quarterly AddThis hackathon, we used the Slack API to build out a Slack Share button. Sharing to Slack is now immediately available across the over 15M websites that use share buttons. We couldn't be more excited to make this functionality. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Maker here! I'm super excited about this integration. It was a lot of fun working with the Slack API and integrating their service with our tools (props here to the Slack team for their nice documentation!), and I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds in this area. For anyone trying out the integration, feel free to shoot any questions our way here, on Twitter, or elsewhere!
Ernie Smith
Would be curious how much this moves the needle. This could be great for certain audiences.
Justin Thorp
@shortformernie just released it yesterday so don't have any good sense from the data yet. If you wanna email me. We could follow up. - thorp@addthis.com