Medium Follower Stats - Follower analytics for Medium accounts
The list of followers is becoming more important on Medium ( every day. This tool will help you analyze your Medium followers and followings, find out who is following you back, how many of your followers are in the Medium Partner Program, and more.
8Values - political quiz- assign percentages of eight political values
answer with your opinion on the statement. your answers will be compared to the maximum possible for each score
What are the eight values?
Economic, Diplomatic, Civil, and Society - and each has two opposing values assigned to them
Scrivano for Handwritten Notes - A simple app for taking handwritten notes on Windows devices
I made this very simple and easy to use app for Windows 10/11 devices. It allows you to take handwritten notes using a stylus. The idea originated when I was a student and couldn't find an app that suited my needs on Windows.