Ben Hamey

Timepage by Moleskine Studio - A smart calendar with weather forecasts, maps and contacts

Who doesn't need a smart calendar app in their life? Moleskine Timepage is your daily productivity booster. It combines your important tasks, calendar, events, maps, contacts, and weather into a beautiful, smooth application that help you manage your schedule.

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Ben Hamey
Hey Product Hunters! We’re pumped to announce our collaboration with Moleskine that has been in the works for quite a while. It’s a calendar and weather app called Timepage, available today for iPhone and Apple Watch. It’s only just been released onto the App Store a few minutes ago so it won’t appear in search yet (direct link should work) - we just wanted to give PHers some early notice! Does the world need another calendar app? We think it does :-) Some time ago, we were wondering why most calendar apps kind of felt the same. We realised one of the reasons is because they usually take the calendar data directly from iOS instead of syncing natively. Timepage syncs with Google/iCloud/Exchange directly which allows us to control the UX more, especially with features like adding events. We did a lot of research into how people use calendar apps and found a few weird common behaviours, like when people organise a meeting they’d open the iOS Notes app and write the info like “meeting with dave 3pm tuesday” instead of opening their calendar because it just took too long. We use natural language processing for adding events and while we certainly aren’t the first to use that technique in a calendar, we’ve really tried hard to make it as frictionless as possible. We also found when people visualised their week ahead, they’d see each day as a discrete block of time, regardless of whether it was full of events or empty. This didn’t match how most calendars show a schedule, so we made our timeline view more akin to the natural way people think about time. People are understandably very particular about what they like in a calendar and Timepage probably isn’t for everyone (we don’t have a traditional little month grid, for example) but we hope people might find our approach refreshing. Here to answer any questions or comments! Ben
Ben Hamey
Also shout out to @joshmobleymusic for the incredible sound design (you’ll recognise his awesome work from Clear and many other great apps).
Vlad Arbatov
@hamey Hey Ben, Timepage looks gorgeous and it's a fresh experience indeed. I personally would like to have some integrations with other apps to fit into a custom productivity pipeline (for ex, I use Zapier to push tagged conversations from Intercom to Todoist for a reply reminder, then Sunrise grabs it via a native integration and puts it in my day schedule).
Ben Hamey
@vladzima Thanks so much Vlad, really appreciate the feedback! We've got a big list of integrations that we'd like to do, we wanted to try nail the core calendar experience first before rolling them in but they are very much a priority. That sounds like an interesting pipeline you've got setup, are there any other specific integrations that would help you simplify your workflow?
Vlad Arbatov
@hamey I sure understand that integrations are not your priority while building new type of experience, which is absolutely reasonable. Integration with Apple Mail would be nice but I suppose you already know this :)
Ben Hamey
@vladzima Totally, I'd use the hell out of that myself!
David Diamond
Hey Ben, you have such big competitors in this space, whats your marketing strategy to compete?
Micah Ghoulish
This looks fantastic. I'd expect nothing less from the Moleskine. One question, how did you settle on the pricepoint? I am always curious how app pricing is determined.
Ben Hamey
@micahkulish Hi Micah thanks for that :-) We absolutely laboured over how to price it. Pricing is always difficult but this was especially hard because to be honest, calendars are a relatively mature space so we knew that when people hit purchase, they are really evaluating our price as an addition to the cumulative price of every other calendar app they've bought. We also had the added complexity of knowing people may compare us to the price of physical Moleskine planners they've purchased. In the end we felt $5 was a very fair price. I could talk about pricing all day!
Mailbox changed the way I handle email and it's been my only client since launch now. Looking forward to trying this today as I haven't found any calendar app to change the way I manage my time.
Ben Hamey
@fredsoneya Thanks Fred - we’ve often used that example when creating Timepage actually! The opportunity definitely has parallels. Looking forward to seeing what you think! :-)
Michael Xander
Do you guys use for the weather info? I couldn’t find it on the website.
Ben Hamey
@michaxndr Hey Michael - yes we do, it's in the About info in the app. We'll have to get it added to the site.
Mark Donne
I love the look it's definitely refreshing. My only problem and it has nothing to do with your app is I really need a dedicated calendar app for Mac. Are you thinking of building one in the future?
Ben Hamey
@mark_donne Thanks for the kind words! A Mac app is not something we're actively making right now, but it's definitely on the horizon :-)
David Diamond
Hey Ben, you have such big competitors in this space, whats your marketing strategy to compete?
Ben Hamey
@david_diam A very valid question! There are gigantic players in this space and we know the challenges are huge. We have a very long term view of the market and without divulging too much detail, we have a second product phase planned which is very different to any other calendar before. First things first though, we want to give people a really delightful experience just managing the mundane tasks of every day activity.
Thanks for trying to keep this category of apps interesting with your approach. While this type of presentation isn't for me, just like you pointed out in your comments, I do see the need for different approaches to fulfilling a need. I hope this is successful for you!
Ben Hamey
@fbara Hey Frank, that's a really nice way of putting it - appreciate the sentiment! We do feel the category is stale and are hoping to mix it up. Thanks again :) Ben
Elizabeth M.
Awesome. It illustrates time as a continuum.
Vlado Grancaric
What I love about this App is the simplicity. The UI is nice and simple and not busy. Which is what you usually get with calendar apps.
Ben Hamey
@vladzz Thanks Vlado - it took an insane amount of iterations to get it that simple. Been designing it for almost 2 years.
So @hamey - i downloaded the app this AM, synced it w / my Google Apps account and my Gmail account, and it's just perpetually blank and says it's importing events in my calendar. Any idea what's up? Close to trying a delete / reinstall?
Ben Hamey
@pomajp Hey Jonathan, thanks for downloading the app and sorry you're having some trouble. Do you have a particularly large calendar? The initial sync can be pretty big, I'd try leaving it syncing for a while. Failing that, try kill the app and open it again and it should attempt the sync again. Let me know how you go!
Jack Smith
looks beautiful. My current favorite calendar app is Sunrise. I'd download this to test it if it didn't cost $5. (As you only need one calendar app. So if I still prefer Sunrise, which is likely, I'd quickly delete or not use it)
Jack Smith
Ph iOS app was buggy and posted twice. Pls delete dupe comment
Ben Hamey
@_jacksmith Thanks for the comment Jack! Can understand the loyalty, it's a hard decision to switch apps that you use every day.
Jason Shah
A fan of the approach. Esp. interested as someone working on an unusual angle on the calendar as well via Do ( - stats, cards, meeting-oriented, quick actions like email someone) I like how you pre-empted the 'another calendar app' Q? @rrhover would support you in that, surely ;) Novel conceptually of blending weather and cal, which makes me wonder about a broader trend of consolidating conventionally separate apps. This is unique from classic bundling/unbundling. Anyway, nice work!!!
Ben Hamey
@jasonyogeshshah Thanks Jason! I'm just checking out your site and Do looks awesome, would be interested in talking to you about it at some stage. Fantastic idea. The bundling/unbundling does seem to ebb and flow with apps, the time felt right for these things to come together :-)
Sam Peniak
Seems like a well designed app, but after reading the reviews on the app store it seems that Timepage is purely design over function. Hopefully you guys can fix the issues people are having because I'd love to try the app.
Ben Hamey
@sampeniak Hey Sam - yes unfortunately some customers with iCloud 2 factor verification are having issues which is killing our reviews right now :-( We certainly haven't approached it from a purely design-centric point of view and it's been in testing for well over a year. We have a fix pending that will go live shortly.
Semira Amiralai
I had this app in my previous App Store Wishlist; wasn’t ready to purchase before trying but recognized it as a beautifully designed app. Today, I was able to download and begin experiencing the app in trial mode (really wish this was previously made available as, not only would I have downloaded but also, I would have purchased it immediately!). It’s beautiful. The design needs no mention; tasteful, clean, sharp, & elegant. Functionality? Geez! Precisely right-on! If there ever was a calendar app for minimalists, you’ve given it to us. It’s clutter-free; you’ve removed the noise found in cartoon-rich apps running the space some of the bigger players which annoy me to no end. Hence, I’ve only used iCal to date. As mentioned, the trial shoulda’ been offered earlier; if it was and I missed it, my bad. Otherwise, trial & purchase is the right way to do it. The fee is high, but you’ve delivered an exceptionally beautiful app & I respect that. Read-only won’t do! Classy app. Bravo!
Renz Bernardo
@semiraamiralai Just got my subscription today. Totally agree with you. What makes this app special is their ability to make usually cluttered UI so gracefully designed and well thought of. Kudos to the team
Brandon Clark
Judging from the screenshots -- this looks killer. I just recently switched to Horizon, but it doesn't have quite the sleekness Timepage does. I wish I could try this app out before buying it though. EDIT - I love that this could possibly replace all my weather apps too!
Ben Hamey
@brandonclark Thanks Brandon great to hear! We are pretty excited about the weather features. It made sense to us that your schedule and weather should live closer together.
Jack Smith
looks beautiful. My current favorite calendar app is Sunrise. I'd download this to test it if it didn't cost $5. (As you only need one calendar app. So if I still prefer Sunrise, which is likely, I'd quickly delete or not use it)
John Exley
Timepage is flat out incredible - congrats on the release, @hamey! One thing to call to your attention from my ongoing experience, at the moment (in case your team doesn't already know about this): My personal calendar sync'd very quickly, but my work calendar (at Yieldmo, we use Gmail) is taking forever because for some reason it's currently "Importing Events in". David Sebag is our VP of New Products, and it seems that Timepage is perhaps attempting to import all of his events as well for the foreseeable future? Maybe, because, I have the ability to toggle on/off his events in my Gcal because we both share Yieldmo emails? Or maybe Timepage is doing that because he's someone I've created events with before in the past/recently? Either way, it looks like this may take awhile, as it's still at 80% for importing Sebag's events, and we have close to 100 people here... do you think it's going to try to import all Yieldmo employees events? Or, did I do something wrong in the setup that is causing this? I'm loving the app so far, just wanted to share this with you guys in case it wasn't supposed to import all of these events. Either way, of course it is helpful to be able to see the calendars of my teammates before scheduling meetings with them, but I imagine this will be a tedious process as I wait fro all of them to sync!
Ben Hamey
@johnexley Hey John thanks for the kind words. Really appreciate you taking the time to explain the context of that issue too! I've just passed it to our team who are taking a look to see if it's doing what it should. I suspect it's grabbing that account because it's shared in Google Cal. You could try going to the Menu > Calendars > Visible Calendars and turning off David's calendar there, then the sync will just grab the calendars you actually want visible. Let me know how you go and thanks again!
Chyan Phang
Beautiful Moleskin Timepage app is sadly let down by its Notification Center widgets. Today widget shouldn't show expired events. Month widget's pretty, but really should have a create event button.