The best Async/Await node.js framework for API development!
Evan Tahler
ActionHero — The best Async/Await node.js framework for API development!

ActionHero is a multi-transport API server with integrated cluster powers and delayed tasks. You can communicate with many types of clients (HTTP, Websocket, and more) from the same API. Now, re-written to take advantage of async/await, ActionHero is the easiest-to-use node.js API framework!

Evan Tahler
We are really proud of the work we've done to modernize AcitonHero, to take advantage of all new tools that modern Javascript (and node v8+) have created. async/await-style programming is the bid one, we've added inline docs, a simpler class hierarchy to extend your actions and tasks, and more!
Evan Tahler
We've taken the feedback we've heard from folks using ActionHero (both big and small installations), to improve some things (test support, test helpers, multiple environments), and add new features (REPL, cli commands as first class citizens)
Evan Tahler
This release also feature a re-vamped plugin system so that extending ActionHero (with both open-source and private plugins) is now much simpler.
Greg Coonrod

ActionHero takes the ideas behind Express and Koa and adds background task processing, chat rooms, and plugins. The result is an API server with a simple development API and powerful features. Great for DIY projects or as the backbone of an Enterprise Application Server.


Broad feature set compared to competition. Easy API.


Small but growing user base.

Meg A Man

went looking for a completely new backed for our new platform. landed on AH after reviewing koa (in its infancy), loopback, express, feathersjs, meteor, sails


1 one-stop shopping

2 built in task queues

3 active support from original author + others

4 smart people in this small AH circle

5 easy docs


1. growth

2. community