Make chatbot polls. Fast.

Acquainted β€” A simple tool to create conversational polls and surveys


Create simple, multiple choice polls using our conversational interface. Super easy to setup, intuitive to use and works great on mobile. Using natural language lets your product find its voice. See it in action here!

Juan Sarmiento
Is it free? Otherwise, how much? I'd love not having to register to know the basic info. Don't u think? Also, it would be better if u allow users to register via FB or Google.
@juanpablosarmi Hi Juan, yes its free, so please go ahead and sign up if you're interested. Agreed, social signups would be optimal, but for MVP we just kept it simple - we'll definitely add this soon. Thanks for your feedback!
Moin Uddin
This is amazing and beautiful. I'm a big fan of conversational UIs. First look and I thought you guys were using BotUI for the CUI! But turns out you've created a custom one.
@moinism Thanks for the kind words! Yes, we've built everything from scratch. We didn't want to tie this down to a specific platform like facebook messenger.
Moin Uddin
@drop_wallet Awesome! Have you tried https://www.producthunt.com/post... ? I made it just for these use cases 😜
@moinism Nice! Looks good, will definitely check it out.
Taylor Barr
The chat on the website is pure fire πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ Laughed so hard. Separate note: I might be the 1% here but when I clicked on the terms and conditions on the register page (to read it) - I gots me a 404. Talking this link: https://getacquainted.co/terms. Eager to signup but not without some terms - ya know?
@taylorbarr urgh, our bad, let me fix that link ASAP, totally agree! Glad you liked the chat, ha ha, enjoyed putting that together!
@taylorbarr This should be working now, thanks for the heads up
Beth Fiedler

Definitely comes in handy for simple surveys and multiple choice polls. It could get more sophisticated down the road. Good try :)


Love its simplicity and conversational UI


Option to add an image or gif

Kamlesh Ravlani

Can improve.




seemed bit arrogant people. Must be careful on the language they use.

Hi Kamlesh, Sorry if the impression you got was arrogance, we were trying to make something fun and a bit cheeky, but definitely not arrogant! We shall be a bit more careful of the copy writing going forward. Thanks for the feedback and giving us a go.
Hi Product Hunt πŸ‘‹ Coming from a UX background, I was always on the lookout for a survey tool to gather user feedback. We tried loads, and all seemed overly complicated to setup, expensive and the user experience left a lot to be desired. So we created Acquainted as an alternative. It’s super simple to setup a poll /survey and using natural language feels like a much better method to engage users then a standard form. The mobile experience feels great and seems to work particularly well with a younger audience. Please give it a go, it’s free to use and we welcome any feedback! Cheers, Stevie
Patric Schmid

I've used it to learn more about my current customers and was already surprised with some responses.


Easy to integrate, a quick and fun experience for the user


Needs some more configuration features

Very interesting idea, good luck guys
@lasha_kakhidze Thanks lasha!