Accordium Flow - Flow is the easy way to streamline your sales processes.
With digital contract management, sales workflow automation, live contract editing and electronic signatures. Accordium creates beautiful software that supercharges business performance wherever sales negotiations and paperwork is involved. It's simply a better way to do business and close more deals.
Fantastic customer support is a real plus.
Pros:Easy to use, slick design, lovely simple to use tool
Cons:just waiting on some new functionality, teams upload of different file types, which I know is on its way
Accordium hits a need - prior to signing where most vendors today invest to solve the issue. Workflow and forward-back approaches to signing contracts is eliminated with Accordium. And you keep the overview and track of the current pipeline to closing.
Pros:The tool is so simple, and provides the exact workflow you need to optimize sales and contract closing.
Cons:There are soo many nice features I would love to have in the tool. I know the team works to provide all; can't wait for next release.
Right Or Die
Great tool! This really has enhanced my workflow noticeably.
Cons:Quite new product. Looking forward to the new features in pipeline and further product developments!
Having worked for years in the aftersales process of a number of software companies, one of the most frustrating things for all involved are terrible contracts, full of mistakes and things not agreed upon. This tool surely helps alleviate those issues. Looking forward to see it develop and expand! I will recommend it to whatever SaaS company I come across.
Pros:Finally a tool that helps creating clear contracts, for all involved. No more terribly constructed/concocted contracts.
Cons:Just launched, so surely still loads of goodies to be released
Good people who are leading it
Pros:I like the idea. Optimizing this process could be key to minimizing the sales process
Cons:I havent used it, so hard to say what the problems are.
Awesome tool.more time for sales since I use accordium
Pros:Easy experience, faster decision making,shorter sales cycles, more deals.
Cons:Great tool ! Works as desired