Web accessibility solutions for ADA compliance
Ben Lang
accessScan — Test any website to see if it’s accessible, for free!
accessScan is a free web accessibility testing tool designed to give you a clear answer to whether or not your website is accessible for people with disabilities and if it complies with legislation. Type your domain and learn where you stand in seconds!
Ryan Hoover
Great execution. Love the "show, don't tell" nature of this.
Shir Ekerling
@rrhoover Hey Ryan, appreciate your comment. I'm sure you have seen thousands of products. Very happy that you loved ours!
John Rampton
Web accessibility should be be a staple in user experience and SEO for any serious website, other than the fact it's mandatory by law. The fact of the matter is, websites that are not accessible have shorter browsing sessions and less engagement from people with disabilities.
Uri Eliabayev
Super important product!
Yan Yanko Kotliarsky
@urieli17 Thank you, Uri, indeed super important. We genuinely hope website owners will make web accessibility a priority.
Neil Patel
Love the tool... one thing you may want to consider is a "share with developer" button. That way someone technical can get the report and just fix it all...
Ryan Hoover
@neilpatel smart idea
Yan Yanko Kotliarsky
@neilpatel Hi Neil, thanks for the suggestion. It's a good idea and we're working on adding this feature. For now, users can download the audit report and input the developer's email. But again, good comment.
Gail Gardner
@neilpatel Wow. is fully compliant. What's your secret, Neil? (I ran your site because I figured if any site was fully compliant, it would be yours.)
Tzvika Avnery
👏 Great product & great team (extremely professional. Disclaimer - I know what i'm talking about as I had the privilege of working closely with the team on some exciting Growth projects) Can't wait to see how they continue to save the world one feature after the other.
Guy Shimoni
Yet another great product coming from this team! When will we see any accessibility products for mobile apps/games?
Randhir  Vieira
@shir_ekerling1 This is super easy and helpful. Thanks for putting it together. Is there a version that people can use for web apps that are behind a login? Any plans to have a version of this for mobile apps?
Randhir  Vieira
This is great and actionable for static websites. Any plans to use this to assess signed in web app experiences?
I love these kind of DO GOOD products. Thinking about the millions of people who would be affected by a more accessible web. This one definitely deserves an upvote.
Roy Gefen
Genius 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
Yam Regev
On Product Hunt, some hunted products are cool, some are nice to have, but the majority won’t survive the market test and will die, unfortunately. This product is a must have for any website as it has “empathy” integrated deep in to it as a core element. Thinking on others first is vital for any product. Thinking on “challenged” others is far greater than that.
Tomer Aharon
Nice! Great job guys. Good luck :)
Yan Yanko Kotliarsky
@tomer_aharon Thank you, Tomer, much appreciated :)
Murray Newlands
Great tool
Idan Levi
Nicely done!
Amir Bar-Natan
Genius! Well Done <3
Simi Spolter
you rock!
Salman Saleem
Amazing, would be great if you could audit social media as well
Vikas Agrawal
Hey Looks interesting, Will feature this on my next blog on Forbes. Cool Stuff....
Awesome Tool! Love the team @ accessiBe
Andrew Medal
slick execution. very useful and practical application. curious to see what happens with the company as you guys continue to grow.