Eugene Kriulin

Lenny Bot for Telegram - English on your Telegram

Lenny Bot is a simple chatbot which helps you to make your English better when you have some time to spare 👩‍🎓

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Litvinenko Nick
Hi everyone! This bot is the simplest and power tool to improve your vocabulary for every day, whenever you have a little bit time you can use it again and again and through some time you will see how you grow and to get the best results. Good luck guys. Thank's a lot!
Виктория Кальчук

In love with LennyBot!! Thanks to Eugene for such a useful thing!


The most useful bot in my telegram!


A better alternative? Really? Nooo

Mirbek Imarov

I love chat bots and Lenny Bot is no exception


Always available no need to download as app takes a little time very effective


no cons

Артем Дубровин
Really cool app.I appreciate that work they did.And i also like to contribute in this project to correct some things.Hopefully they will do some presents for the users by giving free premium
Эдуард Белан

Учу английский с помощью lenny bot уже больше месяца. Он классный! Постоянно напоминает выучить новые слова, и даёт слова для повторения.


Всегда можно полистать сообщения и найди перевод нужного слова, или просто повторить уже изученные слова


Думаю lenny bot вне конкуренции