Hi everyone! This bot is the simplest and power tool to improve your vocabulary for every day, whenever you have a little bit time you can use it again and again and through some time you will see how you grow and to get the best results. Good luck guys. Thank's a lot!
Really cool app.I appreciate that work they did.And i also like to contribute in this project to correct some things.Hopefully they will do some presents for the users by giving free premium
In love with LennyBot!! Thanks to Eugene for such a useful thing!
Pros:The most useful bot in my telegram!
Cons:A better alternative? Really? Nooo
I love chat bots and Lenny Bot is no exception
Pros:Always available no need to download as app takes a little time very effective
Cons:no cons
Учу английский с помощью lenny bot уже больше месяца. Он классный! Постоянно напоминает выучить новые слова, и даёт слова для повторения.
Pros:Всегда можно полистать сообщения и найди перевод нужного слова, или просто повторить уже изученные слова
Cons:Думаю lenny bot вне конкуренции