
Abot 3.0 - Simple anonymous feedback and polls for Slack

Abot is a simple and highly configurable Slack app for anonymous feedback messages and polls. Whoever receives feedback can reply to it without knowing who the author is. The author can reply back anonymously, or decide to reveal his identity.

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Hello Hunters! The app has been around for a while, and I'm happy to launch version 3.0 today! 🚀🚀🚀 4 months ago, I've quit my full-time job to focus on growing the app, and it has since started paying most of my bills. This release is packed with the new features that I could finally work on during the daylight. 😅 One of the most significant changes is that since the outbreak of Covid, the app is now totally free for educational purposes 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓. A bunch of universities have already signed up. I'm getting positive feedback from teachers who use the app to simplify asking "stupid" questions during classes. Anonymous polls are now highly configurable. You can delay displaying the results to avoid influencing the not yet decided team members. Optionally you can poll your whole team without showing the final result publicly. Graphical UI is a significant upgrade from the command line interface, making the app even simpler to use for less technical members of your team. Being a solo founder, it's easy to overlook the obvious mistakes or areas for improvement. Please don't hesitate to reach out with feedback or comments! For all you Hunters out there, you can grab a PH2020 code for a permanent 40% discount. It's valid for purchases done before the end of October.
@swissdevjobs Thank you. The app is used by teams with both dozens and thousands of members.
Muzni Muf
It's really good
Joyce Souza
Thank you
Saquib Rangrez
Thank u
Suraj Sharma
It will be an amazing one!
Kathleen Gilbert
Some questions: How are Slack Team Admins determined? Can we designate/restrict what channels can accept Abot comments? Can administrators vary from within each Slack channel?
Paweł Urbanek
@kathleen_gilbert Hi, maker of Abot here, I have a new account. Abot admins are Slack team admins (native Slack setting) so this is a global config. Please reach out on if you have more questions or would like to schedule a quick demo call.
Quite simple and useful. :)