
A Happy Job — For Hiring Managers - Attract, convert, and retain top engineering talent.


A Happy Job is a team-based employer branding platform with a software engineering focus.
We help engineering leaders attract people who share their teams' mission and culture.
We're letting 15 companies create teams and attract top talent for FREE.

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We're happy to announce the launch of AHappyJob for Companies! A Happy Job is a team-based employer branding platform with a software engineering focus. We help CTOs, CEOs, engineering leaders, and recruiters attract software engineers who share the team's mission and culture so that they accept offers and stay. Are you a Head of Talent Acquisition or Head of Engineering at a startup or an Engineering Manager/Director at a larger tech company? Are you hiring software engineers now? Then you can take advantage of our temporary offer — we're letting 15 companies showcase their engineers teams and attract top software engineers for FREE. All you need to do is to answer a brief survey about your engineering team, provide a few pictures, and we'll promote you on the platform, as well as in our email newsletter and social media channels. Our platform: More information about AHappyJob for Companies: A real company/team examples — click on the "Engineering" cards to learn more about the teams: Eligibility: 1. You work for a tech company/startup 2. You already have at least 4 full-time software engineers on your team so you could write about what the team is like in terms of its mission, working styles, and culture 3. You are looking to hire at least 3 more engineers in the next 6 months To apply email us at or request a demo here Have a great week!