Justin Jackson

6 Seconds - The shortest podcast in the world.

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Mike Miello
the suspense from second 2 to second 3 was so intense, I almost went to the bathroom. But I couldn't because I'd miss the show!
Justin Jackson
@mikemiello lol. Have you listened to "Freaky Cat Face?" There's some suspense in that episode...
Justin Jackson
"This is so nutty I love it." - @marcjohns 6 seconds is my new podcast. Every episode is 6 seconds long. You can subscribe on iTunes here.
Ryan Hoover
Haha, why 6 seconds and not 7, @mijustin?
Justin Jackson
@rrhoover this project is all about constraints. Once inspiration was Vine. I know a lot of folks are leaving it, but I've just been getting into it. I love how much creativity people fit into 6.5 seconds. When I ordered my Vines by popularity, clips like this one were the most popular. I thought: "I should try this as audio only."
Chris Jones
I just spent the last minute binge-listening to every episode currently available!
Justin Jackson
@leeked YES! If you only binge listen once a month that's only 3 minutes of audio. ⏲
Peter Frank
Is this inspired by the famous Hemingway six-word memoir challenge?
Justin Jackson
@peterkimfrank hadn't heard of that! Going to check it out now. 📚
Daniel F.
Love it!
If there were a world anarchy day, you should do a 7 second long show. Or april fools also works... Just to show what a badass you can be.
Podcast less than the size of vine? Guess i need to time travel!
Jure Žove
Justin, how many episodes per day?! :)
Justin Jackson
@jurezove lol. Just 1 per day right now. Maybe I should expand that to 6? 😁
Maxim Garant Rousseau
So cool, can't wait to see what you will be able to do with such a short format!
Khuram Malik
This is the most awesomest thing ever. When can I be a guest? I want to explain why I'm asking. See, I have great difficulty in chopping out the fat out of any content I create. My last YouTube video was 28 minutes and people told me it could have easily been 3. I need something to force me to get far more precise and more laser sharp. Help a man in need........please?
Justin Jackson
@khurammalik send me a 6 second clip and I'll give it a listen! words@nerdnorth.com
Ouriel Ohayon
1 second would be shorter
Alex Minkov
The comments here totally reminded me the "7 minute abs" scene from Something About Mary - https://youtu.be/JB2di69FmhE?t=31
Steve Long
I love this idea if only because it ends up as a montage of audio bits. This might do really well on the recent audio app Anchor (https://anchor.fm/) as well.