25 Days of Christmas GIFs - It's the 25 Days of Christmas GIFs at What the GIF?! 🎁🎅🎄


What the GIF?! is launching the 25 Days of Christmas GIFs! Each day, we'll be releasing an original never-before-seen Christmas GIF both to our Twitter account and live in our game. Play the only GIF-based party game in the world for free.

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It's time for some holiday GIFs! The genius writers at What the GIF?! have baked some fresh holiday content and are launching it with the 25 Days of Christmas GIFs! Follow along on Twitter and in our game to see new, original Christmas GIFs each day leading up to the holiday. What the GIF?! is like What Do You Meme but free, mobile, and with GIFs. Caption hilarious GIFs and compete against your friends, family and co-workers in this online party game.