Miriam Dorsett

24HourHomepage - A 24-hour playful experiment in art and time


A playful experiment in Art & Time. ⏰ Visit & see 1 image per sec for each sec of the day. Repeats every day. πŸ” Forever. Tell a joke, promote a webcomic or grow business in this fun, 1OAK creative format. There are 86,400 seconds in a day. Which are yours? ✌️

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Justin Higgins
Hello and welcome everyone! πŸ‘‹ I built 24HourHomepage.com as a fun way to grow as an "internet introvert". And what a fun journey it's been! I've met all types of digital creators, entrepreneurs and artists online who either LOVE or don't understand the project. The beauty of the internet. πŸ’™ ⏰ A recap of how it works: - When you visit the site, you'll see one image per second for the corresponding second of the day. In UTC time! - You can add any family-friendly image and link to whatever site you want - You'll see the same content if you return in: - 24 hours - 48 hours - or 10 years at that same second of the day - It'll be hosted forever 🎁 A special offer for Product Hunt (offer expired) - I will give 1-free second to anyone who says something positive publicly about 24HourHomepage.com - If you say something really nice, you might get more free time. - Offer expires after 08/01/2021 πŸ’Έ Limited Time Offer: - If you register as an affiliate, you can get *90% commission* on any sales made on your referral. - It takes less than 10 seconds to register: https://affiliates.24hourhomepag... Thank you for your attention and I hope you...seize the day! ;) Justin PS Here is a short talk I gave about the origins and growth experiments I've done for this project:
And every week I update http://higgins.medium.com/ with more of my experimental learnings ✌️
Justin Higgins
@onerinas You're awesome Rinas! Thanks for your support! πŸ†
Justin Higgins
@arnavbathla Thanks for saying so Arnav! πŸ’―
Rohan Singh
@yupyup Congrats Justin! Great offer too, you're an inspiration when it comes to creative marketing efforts 😊
Justin Higgins
@rohanrsingh Thanks Rohan! Coming from the maker of the coolest product of 2021, that's high praise! πŸ™Œ
Mohamed Habib
What a cool concept!!
Justin Higgins
@mohamed_habib1 I'm glad you like it! Thanks for checking it out Mohamed! βœ…
Mohamed Habib
@yupyup Hey man I just watched your talk on JS LA, really great value on how to get users which I needed :)
Justin Higgins
@mohamed_habib1 Awesome! I'm glad it helped! FWIW, I'm running experiments every week and documenting what I learned at https://higgins.medium.com
Miriam Dorsett
@yupyup @mohamed_habib1 RIGHT!? I've started rejection therapy myself since watching it... πŸ˜‚
Mohamed Habib
Lol haha I used to do rejection therapy but in a different context I can’t disclose, pretty cool for sales too
Another shameless cashgrab like millionDollarHomepage, highscore.money, and expensive.chat to name a few... good luck man. πŸ‘
Justin Higgins
@jim2 I love those products too! cc @marckohlbrugge, @tewy
@mdorsett like a pyramid? πŸ”Ί
Justin Higgins
@mdorsett @jim2 No, it's a pretty simple incentive structure. You help sell the first hour, you get 90% commission of sales you referred
Miriam Dorsett
@jim2 LMAO πŸ˜‚ I got a link for ya Jim. Who wants seconds!?
Shivam Ramphal
I admire your initiative in this project, it keeps everyone engage in things they are actually working onπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Justin Higgins
@shivam_ramphal I'm glad you like it, Shivam! Happy to support other builders on their journey! πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ
Miriam Dorsett
@shivam_ramphal Where's your brother at? LOL
Ugur KILCI 😈
I know this site. It is one of the sites that I show as an example on entrepreneurship-related issues.
Justin Higgins
@ugur2nd Thanks for your support, Uğur! πŸ™Œ
Miriam Dorsett
@ugur2nd I hear you're a famous product reviewer! What do you mean by an example "on entrepreneurship-related issues"?
Ugur KILCI 😈
@mdorsett Example: "You don't need thousands of money to make a startup. You need to consider creativity. For example, http://www.milliondollarhomepage... If I sell a pixel for $1 I earn 1 million pixels $1 million. Simple and impressive. Or 24HourHomepage, Show 1 ad in 1 second. Simple and impressive. I have a sentence I said on this subject: 'You don't need to rocket to change the world. Even a needle can change the world.' - Uğur KILCI. "
Serge Gusev
Awesome idea! I know Justin for a while now and love his work. So this one definitely worth a shot!
Justin Higgins
@sergeyone Aww thanks Serge! I love your work too! You might even say that I... ApproveIt... ;)
Matt Gordon
Good idea. How many seconds have you sold so far?
Justin Higgins
@matthew_gordon Thanks Matt! 866 seconds so far. 1k seconds here we come!
Marko Denic
Good luck Justin.
Justin Higgins
@denic Thanks Marko! πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ
Daniel Akan
Very interesting project
Justin Higgins
@akangudaniel Thanks for checking it out Daniel! ✌️
Paul Glushak
This is an interesting experiment. But if I may ask - what is the point here, exactly? What need does this project meet or answer? Is it just self-promotion to the highest bidder? Do you have some kind of distribution between commercial and non-commercial submissions?
Justin Higgins
@hxii Thanks for checking out the project and for the great questions, Paul! The point is to create a fun piece of internet art that can be enjoyed for decades. Much of what we ship as developers comes and goes, so I wanted to make something I could maintain for decades. I also embed that promise in my sales offering. But it's not just art for art's sake, via the URL they link to every contributor gets to promote whatever they want. Some say its a 24-hour advertisement, I say it's more like a 24-hour movie. As for commercial vs non-commercial submissions, I don't restrict content submitted unless it fails to our "family-friendly" content guidelines. Both indie bloggers and big businesses are welcome! I hope that helps!
Miriam Dorsett
@hxii I talked with Justin about some of his motivations for creating this on my YouTube today. I was inspired by his goals to improve his sales and marketing skills from building this. It may not be solving the climate crisis, but the skills that he builds creating 24hourhomepage will translate to any future things he works on. Awesome mindset to have as a maker imo.
Michael Heap
Absolutely love this, the million dollar home page is a great snapshot of the internet c. 2005 and this will hopefully be 2021’s! Really well executed too, nice one Justin! πŸ‘
Justin Higgins
@michael_heap1 Thanks Michael! I wonder what the MDHP's creator @tewy thinks...πŸ€”
Bilal Tahir
Interesting idea! It reminds me of the million dollar homepage but this one is spread throughout the day. :D
Justin Higgins
@bilater Thanks Bilal, I'm glad you like it! Speaking of million dollar homepage, I wonder if @tewy 's ears are burning? πŸ‘‚
Hey Justin, Congrats on the Launch!! This is a great product, really like the idea of owning time for promoting other's products. Curious to know how you're planning on scaling it?
Justin Higgins
@sagar_devkate (sorry for the delay here, this one slipped through the cracks!) Great question Sagar! Re: scaling, I'm running marketing experiments every week. Have been for the last 5 months. All in public and all of various sizes / learnings. My promise to everyone who joins is that I won't stop trying to grow it until the site is filled. If that takes 10 years, that's fine. I do plan on doing more press outreach once certain content milestones are hit (eg: 1 hour of the day has published content). Various incentives to influencer content creators too. I'm glad you like the product and thanks for sharing the question! πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ
Justin Higgins
@shekhar_sajwan Well, really, YOU'RE AWESOME! 😎
Miriam Dorsett
Hey product hunt fam! Justin and I met through @anthonycastrio and his 100 day challenge in the Indie Worldwide community. When I found out what he was working on and why I was hooked. Justin didn't mention it above but one of the reasons he is working on this is to get better at sales and marketing. This project forces him to practice those skills. As makers we always end up learning from what we build but during the time we are creating it can be incredibly stressful. I think having the mindset of "I'm building this to learn" can make the process fun and remove some of the pressure. I'm excited to see how this latest marketing experiment of giving away over $20k works, and watching the different seconds of the day trickle in and what people put up. Thank you for taking time to leave Justin feedback he is incredibly open to your comments! Have a great day!
Justin Higgins
@anthonycastrio @mdorsett Miriam, you're the best! It's been a blast working with you on on our projects and I can't wait to see QUOKA in more people's hands!
Deepak Yadav
Own that second! You are just distributing a piece of history timestamped to users content! ⚑️
Justin Higgins
@worklab "Carpe diem" takes on a new meaning, yeah? 😜
Looks like Justin is up to something! The founder of The Miilion Dollar Homepage is now owning the 1B dollar company. Looking forward to see Justin's billion dollar empire!
Justin Higgins
@michal_kankowski Thanks for your support, Mike! Surely @tewy's ears must be burning by now πŸ”₯
Marcos Ortiz
This is one of the most interesting things I've found this year. Great work @yupyup This could be a very good way to invest in marketing for the long term. Well done.
Justin Higgins
@marcosluis2186 So kind of you to say, Marcos! Thanks for your support πŸ†
Korindo Group
What a cool concept!!
Justin Higgins
@korindogroup Hey, I'm glad you like it! Thanks for checking it out! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘