Aidas Bendoraitis

1st things 1st - Get clarity and focus on your priorities

When considering priority setting, remember "1st things 1st". This web app comes with two prioritization tools: "intuitive" based on gut feeling and "smart" based on analysis of your options. Moreover, recently integrated AI helps you evaluate your options.

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Aidas Bendoraitis
Hello, ProductHunters! It's my second launch of "1st things 1st" after implementing a lot of essential extra features like an intuitive prioritizer, where you compare options two-by-two, auto-suggestions by Artificial Intelligence where you get evaluations by your chosen criteria without cognitive burden, offering personalized prioritization templates, simplified pricing, and more. Note that "1st things 1st" is about setting priorities for any options: virtues, goals, tasks, initiatives, ideas, wishlists, presents, marketing tactics, charities, homes, dishes, expensive purchases, etc.
Congrats on the new launch! Looks like some great new features
Aidas Bendoraitis
@sara_wanasek Thanks, Sara! Take advantage of the new features and give them a go.
Luca Restagno
Congrats on the new version of "1st things 1st" Aidas 💪
Aidas Bendoraitis
@luca_restagno Thanks. It was a result of continuous work month after month. But finally, I decided that it was time to relaunch.
Dragos Bulugean
Congrats for the 1st things 1s launch!🚀 I can see all the hard work that went into and you guys nailed it! Really great job 👏🤞
Aidas Bendoraitis
@dragos_bulugean Thanks, Dragos! Lots of hard, but also interesting work there.
Benedikt Grande
Congrats on the launch of the new version Aidas! Looks great!
Aidas Bendoraitis
@bgrande Thanks, Benedikt!
Congratulations on the launch Aidas 🚀