Suzy Ryoo

Insta-Mash by 1 Second Everyday - Turn your Instagram posts into a 1SE video in just one tap

Insta-Mash by 1 Second Everyday is an easy way to compile your Instagram posts into video format. With just one click see your posts from last month, last year, or every post combined into one continuous, chronological video.

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Ryan Hoover
Love this kind of stuff but I honestly wish this was a website. Downloading the app, searching for the new feature, and entering my IG username/pass was enough friction for me to churn.
Cesar Kuriyama
@rrhoover This will certainly be possible once we build out our web portal. In retrospect maybe we should've made it easy to skip our regular on-boarding and go directly to Insta-Mash when using the app for the first time. Thanks for the feedback Ryan!
Suzy Ryoo
In spirit of year end updates and apps a la 2016bestnine, here's one from 1Second Everyday: Turn your Instagram posts into a 1SE video with one tap. I've a longtime fan of Cesar's story and hustle to pursue his dreams, here's his TED talk which has been viewed 1.5M times: + Just because -- Best 1SE use case by far: Alex Taub's baby Keira's 1SE for one full year.
Cesar, what's the backstory for this feature/update?
Cesar Kuriyama
@suzywillow Thanks for the hunt Suzy! One of our core values has always been to make it quick and easy to reflect back on your life. Not just individual moments, but a birds eye view at your life as a whole. To quote Fast company this week on their "8 must download apps for your new iPhone": "The end result is a rapid-fire burst of brief moments that, as they add up, offer a high-level, but insightful glimpse of what your day-to-day life looks like. It may be light on context, but the series of clips tells a story that’s otherwise hard to capture in meticulously filtered and deliberately curated photos and videos posted elsewhere one at a time—and then immediately forgotten." New Years is always a busy time for us at 1 Second Everyday since it's when a large portion of our users choose to watch and share their 2016 video. This brings a huge number of new users to 1SE, so we wanted to give them a way to create a 1SE video the very first time they opened the app. Since so many people already use Instagram as a diary, it was the perfect platform to make that possible with. With the end of the year come New Years resolutions, and I deeply believe that in order to have self-improvement, you need self-reflection. We're excited for the things we're building in 2017, but really happy we could get this out in time for New Years. We think of it as a little gift to our old and new users :)
Alexander Taub
Love 1 Second Everyday. Have been using it since before my daughter was born. She just turned one and we now have this
- 1 Second Everyday Insta-Mash looks cool (but not sure I post to Insta every day though!
Michael Sarlitt
Nice work @cesarkuriyama! Good to see this still going strong since I stumbled on it years ago. Great new onboarding flow 👌.
Cesar Kuriyama
@msarlitt Appreciate that! Thanks Michael! More coming in 2017 :)
Cosmin Băluţă
And how do i do this? After i downloaded the app it auto-logged me into my google account. I don't see any option for instagram or to log out of my google account. Also, i tried to manually load my instagram pictures from my phone (1se freestyle) but it says i can do it only with videos.
Schoneck Shoaf
@cosminbaluta Sounds like your on our Android version. Right now Insta-Mash is iOS only. We plan to offer more features on Android soon. Thanks for checking 1SE out!
Rahul Kapoor
amazing app i loved it but as @rrhoover mentioned it was indeed enough friction for me to churn into.