Dalton Edwards

1mbsite v2 - Free static hosting for websites 1 megabyte and under.

1mbsite offers free static hosting with custom domain support and automatic SSL management. With functionality that’s designed to make getting your site online easy.

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Dalton Edwards
Hello everybody! My name is Dalton Edwards and I initially launched this project as "1MB" 6 months ago on Product Hunt. At the time it was a very simple project where your site could only have 1 file, there was no custom domain support, and a lot of account related functionality wasn't complete yet. In the past 6 months I have greatly improved upon this project. This project is known as 1mbsite now and is a great place to host your site :)
Emily Hodgins
@daltonedwards Hey Dalton, can you share a bit more about the new features you've implemented for this V2 launch?
Dalton Edwards
@emilyjsnowdon sure! V2 allows you to have multiple files, supports custom domains and automatic SSL, has a new code editor which I wrote from scratch, and a bunch of other stuff. (Edit: I say wrote from scratch because v1 of editor was written by my friend Arturs. All aspects of this new editor were written by me except the syntax highlighting and other code editing logic which is a JS library called Ace.)
Duncan McClean
Why should I use 1mbsite instead of hosting it on Netlify or GitHub Pages?
Lui Kohl
@damcclean Came to ask this. What about the product is ethical?
@luikohl What do you mean, Sir?!
Niklas Pivic
@luikohl @dayaldave Factually, the site contains text that states it's "ethical"; this is actually the wrong use for the adjective. A service can, for example, be "ethically good" or "ethically bad" (naturally depending on how one defines "ethical"). To simply state that one is "ethical" is like stating that one is "quality". It doesn't mean anything, really. My recommendation is, however, that the text is changed; I feel that having it there, unchanged, makes me feel the same as when I see VPN providers saying they're "100% secure", which makes me think it's hogwash; I'm not saying you're bad, but I firmly recommend to change the language.
Lui Kohl
@dayaldave The description for the product is: "1mbsite is an ethical and free website host. We offer free static hosting with custom domain support and automatic SSL management." My question was what about the product is ethical? I'm assuming the term ethical is being used here as ethically positive.
Dalton Edwards
@damcclean 1mbsite is meant to be easy to use. Not everybody knows Git or SFTP. Sometimes people just want a simple web based code editor. People tell me all the time how surprised they are by how easy it is to get a site online with 1mbsite
Jake Casto

I love it!


1mb is a great platform to build prototype websites and to deploy live static websites.



It looks interesting but I am not sure on what is the use case? Could you elaborate on what does this have over any other "pages" product out there or free hosting providers? Usually the single thing that makes people pay for a similar product, is being able to use your own domain. Is that something your product offer?
Dalton Edwards
@duiker101 To get started this is different from other products because we offer a simplified experience while still giving you access to a code editor. I feel like a lot of these tools that simplify web development are drag-and-drop, and personally that’s not for me and some others. When compared to other free web hosts we have an easier to use interface, and we also strive to be more secure. A lot of other free web hosts are free in cost but not really free when you factor in how much they abuse your personal information. Take 000webhost for example which leaked the personal information of 13 million users (https://www.zdnet.com/article/00...). It’s a sad fact that you can’t trust a lot of the results you find on Google when searching for free hosting. At 1mbsite we hash passwords and store them in a private location. We also allow users to enable two factor authentication to help safeguard their account from unauthorized access. To answer your last question 1mbsite supports custom domains completely free of charge, and even automatically manages SSL for you.
@daltonedwards that's a great writeup and I think that if you highlighted some of those details more on your landing page you would get a stronger response! I will definitely be trying it.
Is there any way to use FTP with this? I wasn't able to find out how to get that to work, but that would be a much easier way to deploy sites. Looks like a really neat hosting option for simple sites, though.
Dalton Edwards
@justcharlie You can’t use FTP, but you can use our API (https://gist.github.com/DaltonWe...), and here’s a tool to deploy to your site with your computer’s terminal: https://github.com/1mbsite/1mb-cli
<3 <3 <3
Congrats 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 on the Launch @daltonedwards
Guillaume Bardet
Congrats on the V2, Dalton! Have you considered making templates people can use to quickly get started?
Dalton Edwards
@guillaumebardet click the “templates” button on code editor. There’s a bunch of starter templates to choose from :)
Jarrod Cugley

Definitely a fan, and will find a use for it in the near future for sure! :)


Easy to use Non-technical Very simple and intuitive UX (I felt like I could use it all straight away)


Haven't found any. Does what it says, and does it simply.

Thank you for this product!
Dalton Edwards
@repsup100 you’re very welcome! Let me know how you like it ❤️
Jarod Zhang
Hi!Thanks for the product! I have one question, how can I upload my own logo photo to the sever to replace the placeholder logo that comes with the template?
Luke Peters
Really cool idea :) I like it.

great project


simple, effective & free


did not find cons for now

Gema Morgan
I love this site and guess what truelly static and fast. thank you
Dalton Edwards
You can upgrade to 1mbsite Pro in your account settings now if you need more storage.