Victor Ponamariov

100 UI/UX Tips - A collection of tips to make your interface better

This is a collection of Dos and Dont's for making your UI better. 100 pages = 100 tips. Almost every tip has an illustration, some of them have additional links to external resources.

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Victor Ponamariov
Hello, Product Hunt community! For the whole year, I've been diving into UI/UX area. I've been tweeting and sending newsletters providing practical dos and don'ts related to user interfaces. Gosh, I've even started a youtube channel šŸ˜… Overall I gathered about 120+ tips. Now I thought, why not put all the material I gathered during the year into a book? Well, that's what I did. Who is this book for? šŸ¤” Basically for everyone interested in user interfaces. It might be especially useful for developers, founders and aspiring designers. What's inside? šŸ‘€ Exactly 100 UI/UX tips. Every tip takes exactly 1 page, so they are concise and easy to digest because almost all of them are illustrated. A few examples are in the gallery. To be more specific, there are a few sections, which are: šŸ”¹ Typography šŸ”¹ Forms šŸ”¹ Validation šŸ”¹ Landing Pages šŸ”¹ Usability šŸ”¹ Visuals šŸ”¹ Empty States šŸ”¹ User Attention šŸ”¹ Navigation šŸ”¹ Misc I tried to be succinct, so every page has exactly one tip. So I hope that they are easy to digest. I hope you'll like it. Next year I'll keep on improving and researching the UI/UX area. If I collect more tips, I'll update the book (of course for free).
Levi Gleb Raskin
@victor_ponamariov wow! So much cool! Just in a right time you are here:) I shared to design team! Thanks
Victor Ponamariov
@shvn Oh, you remember that! :) So nice of you
Simon Hoiberg
Congratulations on the launch, Victor! This is an amazing resouce - I can 100% recommend it šŸš€
Victor Ponamariov
@simonhoiberg Oh thank you Simon, your help was enormous! =) Inspired by your product actually!
Jan-Philipp Peters
Congrats on the launch, looks very helpful!
Victor Ponamariov
@jpdavidpeters Thank you so much! :)
Nicolas Warnee
Wow. Looks very cool :)! Congrats on the launch
Victor Ponamariov
@nicolas_warnee Thank you Nicolas!
Alexandra Cote
This is golden, Victor! Definitely all must for devs and founders to polish up on some UX skills.
Victor Ponamariov
@alexandracote Hey Alexandra, thank you! :)
James Brask
Dope! Physical copy and ebook?
Victor Ponamariov
@jimmybrr Only ebook, a physical book is troublesome.. you know, links inside it getting outdated, and all that stuff
Amazing! Tips and tricks are always precious! *_* And I am so happy for finding this in the middle of mu UI improvements! Big congratulations on the launch! ^_^ This is not only for beginners, right? :D
Victor Ponamariov
@maria_brm Well, it depends on what do we call "beginners" or not-beginners. For example, I might say that I've worked with designers that are considered not-beginners but they made some severe mistakes. On the other hand, nothing sacral there. I might also consider this book as a source of ideas, some are obvious but some are not that obvious and sometimes even controversial.
@victor_ponamariov Indeed! ':D Well explained, thank you for the answer! You never know someone's path of learning, and ''missed pages'' in the knowledge sources :D However, I am sure it will contribute my enrichment of experience, and I cannot wait to pass through this content! ^_^
Victor Ponamariov
@maria_brm Well yeah, also if you use Twitter, follow me there, I'm pretty active on Twitter and share UI/UX stuff all the time. I learn as well you know, we all learn from each other!
@victor_ponamariov Thanks! We'll connect! ^_^ Feel free to follow info we share on @mysealitid or my articles on LinkedIn profile ( :))
Patricia Egyed
Victor comes up with more and more ways to share his knowledge! From tweets, to his Youtube channel, to now with this book. I admire his work!
Victor Ponamariov
@patricia_egyed Thank you Patricia! I hope it's only the beginning of this journey! :)
Peter Mick
Congrats Victor, a big fan of your UI / UX tips on Twitter! What I love about them is that they're clean, simple, straight-to-the-point tips that can be actioned easily! Thanks a lot. Keep going and hopefully one day the UX will shine all over the Internets.
Victor Ponamariov
@thepetermick Thank you Peter! Yeah, that's what I aimed for: clean and simple. No fancy design or fluff
Dmitriy Danielyan
I'll recommend it to my colleagues designers
Victor Ponamariov
@dmitriy_danielyan I'd love that, thank you very much
Larry J B
Cool collection of tips - congrats on the launch! Does it come as an ebook as well or only physical?
Victor Ponamariov
@jbenassi Only e-book, no physical book. It'll be outdated soon because I've put a lot of links there, and it's hard to update you know. It consists mostly of images, soo.. I decided to make it as a ebook only
Randy Johnson
Super useful tool! Thank you for sharing :)
Maciej Cupial
That's cool and no to expensive! I'm going to check it out.
Anna Mandziuk šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦
Wow, congrats on your launch!
learnt a ton from you on twtr, congrats on the launch
Victor Ponamariov
@pradeeb28 I'm glad, thank you!
Anton Lapko
Congrats, awesome job!
Victor Ponamariov
@anronkai Spasibo Anton! :)
Denislav Jeliazkov
Victor has been amazing in providing a lot of free value over his Twitter and Email. Coming with this book will give you actionable steps that you can just go in and directly improve not just you visual design, but your overall experience. Great job @victor_ponamariov
Victor Ponamariov
@denislav_jeliazkov Thank you, your book is much more better than mine! :) And you crushed it on PH recently, so I was inspired by you and decided to post it here too!
Matt Gordon
Follow Victor on Twitter if you want to learn more about UX and UI. His tweets are very insightful and eye-opening. Looking forward to reading this book!
Eugene Zolotarenko
Great job, Victor! Congrats on the launch!
Helen Huang
Ahhh, love this! Seems super to the point and clear to read (not a surprise!). Now actioning upon these tips is a different story... Great job Victor!
Victor Ponamariov
@herenhuang šŸ„• Thank you :)