Gary Fallon

100 DEDICATED — Track a single daily goal for 100 days

100 Dedicated is a minimalist goal tracker designed to help you stay consistent and focused for 100 days. Mark each successful day on a 10x10 grid. Perfect for New Year’s resolutions and Fitness challenges. Take control of your goals - one square at a time!

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Gary Fallon
I have used lots of habit-tracking apps in the past, but I never stuck with them. After deciding to stay sober for 100 days, I made a 10x10 grid on a spreadsheet and changed the colour of a square each day. It really helped me stick with it, so I made this in hopes other people find it helpful! After my 100 days sober, my girlfriend gave me a one pound coin that she had painted to look like an AA chip. Best pound we ever spent. So I set the price at around one pound (or a dollar) - commit to 100 days, a penny a day. I hope it's the best pound you ever spend.