Cesar Kuriyama

1 Second Everyday - Turn your favorite moments into meaningful movies.

1 (One) Second Everyday is a modern day visual diary. Imagine a movie that includes every day of the rest of your life. Stitch moments of your life together into a single, continuous chronological movie with this video app.

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Ryan Hoover
I wish I started using this years ago. @cesarkuriyama any pro tips on how to turn this into a daily habit?
jeremy carson
@rrhoover I did this for two years. one of the things I loved was just using the stock camera to grab memorable moments during the day and then importing them all at the end of the week (it recognizes when each vid was taken). my suggestion is to set two recurring calendar events to remind you at noon and 6pm. that's about when I found interesting things happen.
Schoneck Shoaf
@rrhoover Few things that have helped me over time to build my habit. 1) I record my workouts (separate timeline), not to share, but more of a visual fitness journal and a way to keep me honest with myself. It's one of the first things I do in the morning. Builds the habit pretty quick. 2) I mostly take video now, even if I want a photo. I know I can grab a good frame from a video usually (environment permitting of course). This gives me a good "Plan B" for my second. 3) If I've been sitting on the laptop all day and done nothing exciting (we all do it), I'll go for a walk or run to the park down the road. Life's too short and the world is just too beautiful.
Cesar Kuriyama
@rrhoover Hey Ryan! I'm about to hit 5 years since I started this life long project. Can't tell you what an immense impact it's had on my life. Never too late to start :) The best tip I've given over the years: Go to the settings of the App and pick a good time for a reminder. When you get it each day, just record whatever is in front of you no matter what. Even if it's just a computer screen. This will strictly help build the habit, and you'll likely not need them after a few weeks. Especially once you see the results of your first mashed video. That's when the magic happens! P.S. We just added 365 new reminders, so that they're always different and hopefully useful or entertaining.
jeremy carson
@cesarkuriyama I always seemed to have issues with the app's reminders, but hopefully they have fixed that!
Cesar Kuriyama
Happy Holidays fellow Product Hunters! I'm the founder of 1 Second Everyday. An app that stitches the moments of your life into a single continuous chronological movie. We just released a new feature called Freestyle! Create movies from your favorite videos, 1 second at a time. Enjoy this heartwarming Christmas video captured this week in NYC to get a beautiful glimpse at Freestyle in action. It's available right now on iOS, and will arrive on Google Play within a couple of days. It's Christmas Day, but we'll do our best to answer all questions in a timely manner :) HUGS TO ALL!!!!
Aaron Crocco
Been using this app for four years now and it's a normal part of my routine to snap a quick video and then add them to my timeline later in a binge. For me I always export the completed video out to iMovie so I can add background music and titles. The new freestyle feature is great and I can't wait to try it out.
Schoneck Shoaf
@aaroncrocco Thanks Aaron for the kind words man. Were you a Kickstarter backer?!? Would love to hear your opinion on Freestyle.😉
Aaron Crocco
@schoneck I missed the Kickstarter but heard about the app shortly after it launched for everyone. So I guess I'm one of the earliest non-ks users. 😄 Freestyle excites me because of vacations and such. The next time I have an event to 1SE I'll definitely give it a try.
Schoneck Shoaf
@aaroncrocco Awesome, we love our non-ks early adopters also! Haha. If you ever need anything, feel free to hit me up at schoneck@1secondeveryday.com
Cesar Kuriyama
@aaroncrocco Hey Aaron!!! Great to see you in here! And thanks for all your help as a beta tester over the years :)
Aaron Crocco
@cesarkuriyama A pleasure as always! The app has come a long way in the past few years. A testament to your hard work and dedication. I'm so happy to be a part of this ride.
Srikanth Mv
Beautiful concept !! Watching all your favourite moments as a movie with some great BGM, well who wouldn't love that ?
Schoneck Shoaf
@srikanth_mv Thanks Srikanth for the support, hope you get to check it out!
Cesar Kuriyama
@srikanth_mv Thanks! I'm about to hit 5 years! Haven't forgotten a day of my life since I started.
Aaron Hanson
I'm a big fan of this app. Used it for about a year. It makes a long span of time feel like nothing.
Schoneck Shoaf
@crixlet Thanks Aaron for the kind words. Always good to hear folks enjoying it! Have you been able to try out Freestyle?
Cesar Kuriyama
@crixlet Pumped to have you onboard Aaron! :)
Nicholas Sheriff
@cesarkuriyama Hey Merry Christmas Cesar really interesting application. I was wondering what sort of trends do you see among your userbase as time progresses when it comes to engagement. Do users tend to gravitate to a certain way of engaging if they have spent more than a year on the 1 second everyday? Could you go into a bit more detail about "Freestyle" what is the one issue it solves very well? Hope you're enjoying that 70s weather ha ( I'm originally from NY )
Cesar Kuriyama
@nicholassheriff We find that users who do it for a while are hooked. But since we don't force users to record with our app (you can use anything in your camera roll), many users will record their second every day habitually, but don't necessarily open the app for a while. They'll binge select later. Frankly, we probably measure engagement a bit differently than most. If we can provide a user with a breathtaking 6 minute look at an entire year of their life, with as little work/time as possible, we consider that a huge win. But with new features like Animated Gifs and now Freestyle, users are engaging more often, with good reasons. And there's a lot more on the way. In the 5 years since I started recording a second per day as my own personal minimal way to keep a diary, I've continued to experiment with journaling with video. One thing I found was that while 1 Second Everyday was having profound effects on how I live my day to day life, it wasn't the best medium for capturing a special day or a memorable vacation. 1SE helps me get a birds eye view at my life, but 1SE Freestyle helps me get a birds eye view at particularly special events in my life. I spent a week in Colombia this year for my good friends wedding. It only accounts for a mere 7 seconds in my 5 years of 1SE, but I recorded a couple of snippets each day I was there, so why not put them to good use? So I created a 40 second 1SE Freestyle that beautifully recapped my favorite times of that one spectacular week surrounded with my best friends :) Thanks for the great questions Nicholas! Aside, from sweating profusely on 70 degree NYC Christmas Eve because I wanted to wear my beloved Star Wars Christmas Sweater, I've definitely been enjoying the weather!
Alex King
Been using this for years. I love it.
Schoneck Shoaf
@akingcreative Awesome Alex, thanks for the continued support!
Cesar Kuriyama
@akingcreative This makes my day Alex!!
jamie pham
Looks pretty cool! Just downloaded the app and excited to see how my first video will turn out.
Cesar Kuriyama
@jamiepham We read EVERYTHING, so if you have any thoughts, hit us up and we'll listen :)
jeremy carson
loved this app and used it for years! a great idea (I think it was a Ted talk?). the addition of the freestyle mode is wonderful. really makes it easy to condense a day into seconds, as well. smart!
Schoneck Shoaf
@thejeremycarson Hell yea! We're pretty excited to get Freestyle out there and see what the world creates. :)
Cesar Kuriyama
@thejeremycarson Thanks Jeremy!!!! Yep I spoke at the TED conference about this back in 2012 after I completed my first year. Link: https://www.ted.com/talks/cesar_...
Maxime Braud
Used it everyday during my 6-month stay in SF. I still watch the video with friends from time to time, amazing memories.
Cesar Kuriyama
@mxbraud Thanks Maxime! We are fueled by reading these things from our users 😄
Did you people checkout Tellday? https://www.producthunt.com/post...
saw this forever ago in the movie "Chef".
Cesar Kuriyama
@chuckreynolds Yep! That's us! Jon Favreau saw my TED talk, then started using the App, then got in touch. He had an idea on how to put the app in the movie and I obviously emphatically said YES! I got to be on set for a couple of days. Basically the coolest thing that will ever happen to me 😄 I told the story in detail to SlashFilm if you're curious: http://www.slashfilm.com/1second...
Joshua Dance
I have been using this app for almost 2 years. Very fun to go back and watch it.
Cesar Kuriyama
@joshdance Woohoo!!! Hope you continue to use it for many more Joshua :)
Nobel Chang
I've been using this app for about 6 months and I love it. I can't wait for the new year to end so I can post this on my Facebook! Great job!
Cesar Kuriyama
@nobelchang Awesome Nobel!!! Make sure to tag us when you do, we love watching and sharing them! :)
Joshua Dance
I've been using this app since the Kickstarter, but just finished my first year in review video.
- I love it. Get this app and try it for a week, you won't regret it.
Schoneck Shoaf
@joshdance Hey Joshua, saw you're video earlier this week. Awesome man!! Have you had the chance to try FreeStyle yet?!? Thanks for support and kind words also.
Nice! Big fan of these apps. Cesar, I may have just missed this, but does Freestyle add the ability to make a custom length that's different from 1 second? Your app first came out right before my first trip around the world, and I found that 1.5 seconds per clip was a better choice for what I wanted to convey from my trip, in addition to the multiple clips per day issue you mention above. So I ended up just using Windows Movie Maker to cut together regular videos, which took forever! My video, for reference: http://t.co/vGJuF8NI6B
Sai 🚀
My encounter with this app was somewhat coincidence - towards the end of 2014 was planning to build an app with almost the same functionality, but when did an extensive search to find if any exist already, stumbled upon 1SE - there ends my app idea. But have to say - been using 1SE from last one year. Exceptional product 👍
Schoneck Shoaf
@sainathkm Thanks for the kind words Sainath and happy to have you on board!
Inhan Do
I am using this app for about 1 year and I love it :) I like to keep a record of everyday so this is a perfect app for me.
Alex O'Sullivan
Ingenious idea! 👏🏻
Joshua Dance
I am on my third year of using 1SE and it is still awesome. I remember so many things that I would have forgotten or missed.