Serhad iletir

Landing Page 101 - How to perfect your landing pages as a solo-designer.

A guide focused on how to perfect your landing pages as a solo-designer.

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Joherul islam
Looks beautiful and thanks for the tips
Raj Mahal
This is also a great resource for designing a landing page.
Gezim Hoxha
@parag_r That's incredible! Thanks for sharing. I'd buy that template if it was available for other systems like webflow.
Volkan Kaya
@parag_r @happygezim Hey I created Versoly- and that template :) Thanks for the kind words. Versoly is built to replace Wordpress and Webflow for SaaS companies. We have already have founders swap to us. If you get a chance would love for you to try the product. We also built if you're looking for help with your landing pages.
Gezim Hoxha
@volkandkaya Hey! Is that template available on Versoly? I couldn't find it or missed it. I wasn't sure how components work across pages on Versoly (e.g. shared nav bar). It's quite good but didn't feel "polished enough"...not even sure how to qualify that. Likely I'm not an early adopter for your product so ignore me :)
Volkan Kaya
@happygezim It isn't at the moment, but all code built in Bootstrap/Versoly can be imported and shared easily. Thanks, a lot of feedback we get is extremely positive and it doesn't help us build a better product. Yes the navbar from the home page can easily be shared between pages. We also have a blogging CMS and the navbar and footer is also shared with that.
Alex Alx
the font gives me Alien vibe :D
Michael Gill
Nicely done. Coming from a design background I love to see this.
Gezim Hoxha
Didn't love the landing page, sorry.
Sanchit Sharma
just bought it and it looks good. Nice work @jamiesyke but there is just one problem, the download bucket doesn't have the checklist and "how they did it" doc. Should I go somewhere else to get it?
Jamie Syke
@sanchitsh thanks! The premium content is manually delivered. You should have that now!
Lee Stetson
@sanchitsh @jamiesyke Came here for this issue. Maybe the description could include something like "Delivered separately" to indicate we won't get it through Gumroad.
Ilaria Castelli
Jamie Syke
Thanks for checking out Landing Page 101. If you have any questions at all, I’d be happy to answer them. Have a great rest of your weekend! ❤️
Specify info
not bad!
James Holyoak
looks amazing congratulations on the launch
Surjith S M
where are the sample pages?
Jake Tital
Great looking product. Just upvoted!
Ken Savage
@jamiesyke whats your preferred landing page builder?
· HIT NOTE · Music
All right, there is no black background anymore when I went back to the page. It just took literally 5 minutes to load all the images. But all in all it still does not make for a nice landing page nevertheless. If it takes so long too load and the user has to scroll (endlessly) downwards, it is also not a great user experience after all. The experience was certainly not enticing enough for me to finally buy the book for what I came to this website in the first place.