Thomas Schranz ⛄️ Warp - Free VPN by Cloudflare for iOS and Android

When the Internet was built, computers weren’t mobile. The assumptions made 30 years ago are now making your Internet experience slow and insecure. w/ Warp replaces the connection between your phone and the Internet with a modern, optimized, protocol.

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Wouter De Schuyter
that's the best domain name I've ever seen
Vishal Doshi
Awesome!! As someone who loves most CloudFlare services I look forward to Warp+ getting better ... I've been beta testing for a month or so ... Some Notes (India): 1. The iOS client says Rs. 419/mo for unlimited; the Android clients says Rs. 70/mo?? (Rs. 70 is approx USD 1) so somethings amiss here. 2. The Android client reveals IPv6 addresses - so if you go to say the IPv6 address is your public IP whereas the IPv4 is CloudFlare's... 3. If WiFi looses connectivity iOS kinda detects this and fall's back to using LTE / cellular data ... if Warp is active this doesn't work. (Note if the connection switches from WiFi to Cellular this is ok, but if WiFi is flakey and iOS decides that the WiFi router has bad / poor routing to the wider internet, it does a routing table update of some sort and that gets messed up if Warp+ if active) 4. Android has some kind of blacklist - apps like Netflix are excluded - which is not very private - though I'm not sure what happens under the hood. 5. WireGuard is awesome; incredibly fast... 6. is meh; is waaay faster (in India anyways). 7. Using Warp+ with Jio and Airtel is not noticeably faster than not using it. With my home internet (small local provider, reseller for someone who has Tata + Airtel uplinks) its arguably slower, because my packets must roundtrip via SGP ... sites like Flipkart/Swiggy/Hotstar are in India. Also YouTube + Netflix have deals/peering with most local cable guys which also CF doesn't seem to have at the moment (they could peer in SGP). 8. From Mumbai (India) I seem to get Singapore most of the time; this is useful - it unblocks some content that would otherwise be blocked; but sometimes I get DEL. Surfing the web with CF activated is a bit annoying at times. It means I get US ads most often because many sites erroneously assume the IPs Geo as USA. (CloudFlare IPs seem to be announced in India, perhaps they were moved from ARIN to APNIC or IRIN and folks haven't yet updated). 9. The referral system is buggy AF. Some folks I know, have >30G/mo of free Warp+ :)
Seb Jachec
@grynn Hey, just wanted to let you know that your well written comment seems to have been marked as hidden by default either by some kind of automated Product Hunt filter or by a moderator for some reason!
Christopher Leach
Any plans on a desktop version of the VPN as well?
Anna Filou
@leachy114 you can use it on Desktop by changing your DNS records. No application required. As far as I know, it’s not a real VPN, in the sense that it masks your location.
Scott Robertson
@leachy114 @anna_0x This does a lot more than that. The app even allows you to use DNS without Warp.
Pubudu Kodikara
How about the privacy? Does Warp collect data on our usage? @cloudflare
Thomas Schranz ⛄️
@thpubs the announcement post from today has a section on privacy, quoting here inline: *) We don't write user-identifiable log data to disk *) We will never sell your browsing data or use it in any way to target you with advertising data *) Don’t need to provide any personal information – not your name, phone number, or email address – in order to use WARP or WARP Plus and *) We will regularly work with outside auditors to ensure we're living up to these promises.
Thomas Schranz ⛄️
Super excited that Warp is live now. VPN services have always been very difficult to adopt (from evaluation to onboarding). Setup of Warp was super smooth and I'm sure this will bring the benefits of well run VPN services to people who never would have adopted VPN previously. Original announcement from April: Launch announcement from today: and last but not least a very interesting blog post by @zackbloom on the technical challenges:
Kristof Bernaert
having this installed and active since May 2019. Works perfect.
Jon James
can we switch country and get that sweet sweet foreign Netflix?
Joel Strellner
I am surprised they are using, when you can also go to and see the same site...
Mohd Irtefa
Hi @jstrellner!. Some routers and networks blackhole network traffic to is a more accessible choice for folks who have those routers or are in those networks.
Vincent Déniel
The app says "Share to get 1gb free" but it doesn't say how many GB you have in the free plan (if any). Can you clarify this?
Garett Dunn
@vincentdnl It's unlimited on the free plan. The paid plan puts your traffic on their faster backbone network
Volkan Yılmaz
Awesome! best VPN for iOS.
Erick Wachira
I have been using it for a quite a while(3 months) and I must say I am not disappointed.
James Dory
Maybe it’s just me. I was having problems accessing the Internet after installing the update they put out yesterday. I had to disable the app in order to have Internet access and to view my emails. Now, I thought installing the update that came out today would resolve the issue. It did not and I am still having problems getting an Internet connection with this app enabled. Does any one have an idea of how to resolve this? Thanks.
Eduardo Sánchez
@haitianwatcher I'm unable to access duckduckgo for example. Sends me straight to "Internet connection appears to be offline" so basically I can't use my default search engine while on WARP
Fraser Smith
Wondering why I'm still #220126 on the Warp waitlist? I guess the update didn't make it to me yet. Deleted and Re-installed and now I have it. First impressions from Shanghai, China are that it is slow, slow , slow. It's currently not something that I would consider replacing my alternative arrangements with yet.
I'm so happy to hear, I really thought it would be an april fools joke since the beginning tbh 😂
Raul Rocawabe
Stunning design (web and app)
Raul Rocawabe
On @producthunt's main list it appears only as android
Wilson Bright
This is the best. Have been using over last few weeks and can't complain. Internet experience is much faster.
Corey O
VPN on your phone is a must. So important to have this when jumping on public wifi.
Ghost Kitty
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Varun Nair
@eastdakota I was waiting for a long time for this. I have seen your promotions in Linus Tech Tips. And i tried the VPN at that point. Excited to try it out.