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Ezgi Aydın
Which is more productive for you: working from home or the office?
I'm very productive when I'm in the comfort of my home but there are days I find the structure of an office beneficial. I guess working hybrid makes me the most productive
Ryan Morrison
I find that working from home allows me to have more flexibility and control over my schedule, but sometimes I miss the structure and social interaction of being in an office. Have you found any strategies for balancing the two and maximizing your productivity?
Sophia Chia
Working from home offers me more quiet and flexibility, but working from the office helps me get out of the house, bond with people, move and feel alive. So in the long term I think both are needed for my productivity.
What's office? I'm personally more productive at home, as I struggle to focus in noisy environments.
Aaron O'Leary
Working from home for me, something about being in my own environment keeps me productive
Pankti Shah
@aaronoleary so true because in office it take time to adjust but from home it's heaven 😇
Ezgi Aydın
@aaronoleary I feel the same. It is a space that belongs to me so I can move and act more freely. Being comfortable keeps me productive
Sandeep Bansal
@aaronoleary @pankti_shah_910 But don't you find kitchen, fridge, and TV as a distracting invitation :-)
Tadej Jevševar
@aaronoleary @travelmedan Why is that the case?
Aaron O'Leary
@tadej_jevsevar in an office it’s atleast 70% of pretending to be busy because work arguably doesn’t take up 8 hours a day. With WFH I have the flexibility to finish as fast as I want, start on something else, flexibility with my lunch breaks and can be on call also if needs be. It’s a better environment for me personally and that leads me to be more productive
Pavel Kukhnavets
It does not matter if you know how to properly build communication with your team, competently plan tasks and distribute the workload. For these aims, you'll need a professional project management and collaboration tool such as Wrike, Orangescrum or GanttPRO. We use GanttPRO ( - an award-winning project management software that focuses on professional planning and project management with the help of a Gantt chart. Our team has been working remotely for three years and we are constantly using new features of this great tool.
Utsav Patel
Working from home for me. Working from home has been super productive, and I can do more at home. While working at the office, I've learned that most of the time, went into meetings which sometimes are useless and take your unnecessary time.
Kyler Phillips
I go to a Wework and am usually far more productive, it’s getting colder though so I’ve been lazy recently and started working from home more!
Bjarn Bronsveld
Neither of those. Random places make me the most productive, oddly. For example working in a train, plane, coffeeshop, some random office or co-working space. It just allows me to focus so well!
Chris Parjaszewski
I think a lot depends on a personality + list of tasks & duties + culture-fit with the team.
Yunus Ertürk
Home, but I like to have the option of working in an office.
Jesús Vivas
Working from home is super comfortable for me, but TBH I'm more productive working at the office.
Ezgi Aydın
@jesus_vivas Doesn't comfort play a role in your productivity as well?
Jesús Vivas
@ezgi_aydin yes, sure thing! But I think the office mood, makes me very productive. I tried also working from different cities (as a digital nomad), but I do prefer at home or office
It is difficult to say which is more productive for me, as it may depend on the specific tasks I am working on and my personal work style. However, I do generally find that being in the office allows me to stay focused and motivated, and I am able to get more work done in a shorter amount of time. This is likely because being in a professional environment helps me to maintain a good work-life balance and avoid distractions.
Ezgi Aydın
@valentino_loenicker You are right, sometimes when I'm working from home even after finishing my work I can't relax
Sandeep Bansal
It actually varies. There are days when I end up being super focused at home, but then there are days when I leave at 7:30 sharp and finish a lot of work at the office. My downside to working at office is that I miss my treadmill desk in a co-working space :-)
I work from home for the last 18 years and our team is fully remote so home it is for me. Never liked the office that much, too much overhead.
Carole Richard
Working from home. I work in IT and happen to be a woman. WFH has not fixed all the sexism in my field, but I don't have the worry about office politics. And I haven't had to submit any HR reports since I've been WFH. Also, my cat is a nicer coworker.
Ezgi Aydın
@carole_richard I'm sorry this happened to you, it is really hard to be a woman in tech. But I'm glad you cat is there to keep you company. I miss mine so much when I'm working from the office
Alex Harris
home hands down!
Nithin Jawahar
definitely working from office. Working from home becomes painful over a period of time with very less human interaction for me. Honestly I look forward going to office nowadays.
Iuliia Shnai
Home! The only problem is that building really good connections or friendships is really hard. I feel like more transactional relationships are built online.
Tadej Jevševar
@iuliia_shnai As a fellow founder, I am curious about how you solve this (common) problem of building great connections in your team.
Fahmi Bin Backer
Personally i prefer working from an office it have several benefits, such as improved collaboration and communication with colleagues, access to shared resources, a more structured work environment, and opportunities for networking. However, there may also be drawbacks, such as the need to commute and a lack of flexibility in terms of work schedule. The best approach will depend on individual needs and preferences.
Divyansh Patel
A combination of both works for me. But office connect only when required. Also comfortable doing it in a good cafe ☕️ bi-weekly.