
What "rules" do you stick to when you do cold emailing/outreaching?

I believe many companies or individuals get first leads when reaching out to someone. What techniques or tools did you use? Feel free to share your experience. 👇

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Him Jong
Honestly, I believe cold outreach is about being transparent and upfront.
I'm focusing on personalization (subject line, mentioning something about their business, etc), the email itself must be super-short (judging from myself, I don't read long email and I guess other people don't either). And of course, email signature is a must-have, like always. Personally, I consider emails without email signatures to be spammy and well, most of the time they are.
@oksana_ch Do you include any links that are linked to your social media?
Indu Thangamuthu
To not turn cold when they reject 🐦‍🔥
Michael Vavilov
Check out Instantly—it's an awesome outreach tool
George Rosevear
When I do cold outreach, I always lead with value. I think it's essential to explain how what I’m offering can benefit the recipient directly,
@george_rosevear What does that value look like?
Wiktor Wysocki
Don't try to sell in the first email, try to ask about the problems offer some temporary solutions and then only say that you have a tool which can fix them.
@wiktor_wysocki Just to make it clear – I want to have mutual recommendations of a newsletter on Substack so the subject is a little bit different. What would you recommend in these terms (I am reaching out to bigger accounts than me).
Yuliya Rybalova
1. I think being direct with what you are selling is the best strategy. There is a trend for personalisation, however many times such "personalised" cold emails look even more fake. 2. Another rule is to followup 3. Track