
What do you think of this simple landing page?

I'm excited to share my first SaaS tool with you, it is called viaNotion 🤩 It helps you grow on Twitter and LinkedIn by streamlining and scheduling content right from Notion seamlessly. I need your feedback on the landing page. This is the first version and I kept it simple:

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Veeresh Devireddy
@basharath The content looks good and clean, but the background color or theme is quite outdated, there are many great templates around. Most importantly, you probably violated Notion's trademarks by using their domain name as part of yours and you need to verify it, or else they may sue anytime.
Veeresh Devireddy
@basharath #1. It is clearly mentioned in their T&C link that it's a violation to use 'Notion' in any form, it's a standard rule for most companies on the Internet. #2. Several of my apps were taken down in the past just because they had its brand name and lost 300K users #3. I had to give up several domains which had keywords like "fb" or "amz", through a legal notice #4. As per USPTO Trademark rules, any keywords that directly match or denote indirectly, its a violation #5. It's just a matter of time when and how Notion's Legal team takes action or attacks and may lead to severe consequences #6. If desperate, then at least we should take formal written permission from them upfront. I did this a few times with Facebook and Amazon. #7. It is quite obvious why would any company will allow somebody else to use their multi-million dollar worth of brand aspects for free. #8. Though we don't claim it explicitly, but the intention is evident and implicit The list goes on, but be careful!
@veeresh_devireddy Thanks for feedback on the background color. BTW, could clarify me how using Notion word violates trademarks as it's a product based on Notion. I have seen a lot of Notion based products using Notion in their titles, domains etc. In fact not just Notion but various other brands say Twitter etc. Twitter word is even a unique word compared to Notion but it is used as part of domain name, product etc in many places. So my question is how it can violate using Notion word in the domain name and I'm not claiming anywhere that my product is part of offical Notion product.
@veeresh_devireddy Thanks a lot for sharing more on this and your experiences. I'll make sure to contact Notion and confirm something on this. Thanks again!
Sandra Djajic
This is such a cool concept!I love the design and how interactive your page is :)
@sandradjajic So glad to hear. I didn't expect that you'll be liking the design. Thanks a lot for the good word, Sandra :)
Sandra Djajic
@basharath No problem. good work should always be complimented :)
They are the only way to go about it
@divya14 I didn't get what you mean. Could you clarify, please?
Sergey Potikhanov
The structure looks good, but I would use Notion's color scheme and design principles if I was making SaaS that is directly related to Notion. In this case, even without reading the text, it would be clear in a second what the product is about. Good luck on your launch in the future!
@sergeypotikhanov Yeah, I thought to use the UI like Notion but later felt it would be boring for people to see the similar UI everywhere. And thought of this. Anyway, I may plan to change it to like Notion. Thanks for the suggestion and the wishes.
Kate Kovbii
Hello! Congrats on your Landing page and your courage to share it with others! 🤗 The page looks great! I like the info flow, the structure, and how you show the tool right in the Hero section. And this ton of user quotes - is just the best! 💔 In your next iterations, you can also try to direct users' pain points and tell how exactly and what exact problems your tool covers in a few short sentences. You can also help visitors understand which plan they should choose according to their needs 🤔 But even now, without all that, your Landing page is just great! 💪
@kate_kovbii Thanks for all the great points, Kate. I'll make a note of this and surely will try to implement them.
Kate Kovbii
@basharath always happy to help! 🤗
Sherry Xena
This is great
@sherryxena So glad to hear that. Thank you Sherry :)
Emily Matick
I like this page @basharath but I'm wondering if there are so many great features, they get lost as all the icons. Are some of these repetitive? I recommend you synthesize that section into 3 key value proposition/market differentiator features that solve your core customer problems? From there, I'd list your features that align to solving that problem. For instance: "Control all your communities in one, easy-to-use place" -tweet metrics inside notion -scheduling in one place -Direct publish to linkedin within viaNotion "Create new content without worrying about plan limits" -unlimited content repurpose -unlimited tweets/threads
@emily_matick Thanks a lot for the great suggestions, Emily. I'll surely try implementing them and I have noted them.
Very well done Basharath it is very simple to navigate and present the content in an easy-to-understand format. I am finding out more about the power of Notion and am looking forward to trying your product.
@ozian Thanks a lot for all the good words, Ian. Yeah, sure try it out and you will find it amazing.
Divyansh Pandey
Love it, the color theme is really good. One thing I thought could be made better is the billed yearly/monthly design(as I felt it was slightly confusing), so currently, it's a toggle switch but I think it can be made better by using a tab or just check out some inspiration on dribbble. (e.g. mobbin design does it very clearly) PS My opinion, accept it or not is your choice.
@divyansh_pandey2 Yeah, I right, the pricing part I need to improve. Thank you for the feedback.
Richard Gao
Wow, seems like the picture perfect landing page lol. You seem to have everything down. Since it's for content creation, do you have any plans to integrate AI image generation? Mainly asking because would make a great backend in that case.
@richard_gao2 Thanks for the good words. As of now I'm not touching AI part, currently I have a lot of things to improve in the whole app. I'll check it out when I need it for sure.
Heleana Grace
First of all, congrats on the launch! I really like the landing page overall, it's very straight to the point and answers any questions that might pop up straight away. Not requiring credit card info for the trial period is also a nice touch. In my experience, many potential customers get turned off by this, so it was a good idea to exclude it. The FAQ is also a great idea! If I REALLY had to pick something to change, I'd re-design the part with the features a little. It's great that there are so many awesome features but all that text can be a little bit overwhelming at first glance. Maybe try writing the copy so that there are two features mentioned in one sentence or shorten the titles. Overall though, it's a very good landing page, it could definitely work as the final version!
@heleana I got it what you meant. Right. Yeah, I need to make them in such a way that at quick glance user can understand the benefits. Thank you so much for the valuable feedback. 🙌