Merlin Yang

What day of the week do you think are the best to launch?


I asked around and was told that Sunday is the least competitive day.. BUT I just launched and it's more competitive than I thought it would be 😂 I've been working hard on it for the past half year...

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I hold the same points of view like u lol
Merlin Yang
@sylvia_sheng Creating a product seems like a really hard thing to do 🥹
Choosing a day of the week to launch depends on the goals and audience of your project, but I like Wednesdays best. I advise you not to run it on weekends. )
Merlin Yang
@mksaint13 Weekend was a bad choice 😅
Salar Davari
The day you feel you're ready most. For me, it was today.
Merlin Yang
@salar__davari Let's do this together 💪🏻
Maksym Skrypka
I supported you! I'm launching next week (Thursday) as well. If you are interested, I will be grateful for everyone's support
Fahad ⚡️
@maksym_skrypka Excited for you guys! Will definitely support! We're launching tomorrow and would love for you to check us out 🙌
Maksym Skrypka
@amdfad Click on Notify me. I would be grateful if you could support me as well I wish you success!
Merlin Yang
@maksym_skrypka Thank you very much! I'm looking forward to launching your product as well. 🚀
It depends on what type of product you are going to launch. Wednesday and Thursday are more competitive.
Merlin Yang
@ruhi_singh__ Good thing Wednesday and Thursday aren't today. 😅
Kate Chasten
They say Tuesday and Wednesday. But I don't think the day is very important. It's important have a good community around your product and then launch it.
Merlin Yang
@kate_chasten I've definitely realized that having a good enough community is important. 🙏
Niko Germish
That depends on your goals. On working days, it seems more competitive and challenging to secure a spot, but the results and coverage are substantial. On weekends and holidays, there is less competition, making it easier to reap rewards.
Merlin Yang
@nikogermish I'm curious about the specific effect of the reward on the product.
Jules Essen
I check your product out and it looks great. Very good for youtube automation.
Merlin Yang
@julesfyt Thanks so much for checking it out! 🫶
maryam yousefi
the best day to launch the product is Tuesday. In fact, the worst thing you can do is emailing journalists on Sunday. Sunday is the only free day they get during the week so don't expect them to look at their mailboxes.
Merlin Yang
@maryam_yousefi1 If I regret it now, it's too late, right? 😅
maryam yousefi
@merlin_rtzr yes unfortunately :)
Relja Denic
depends what you want to achieve. Workdyas more exposure and traffic. Weekends for badgets if you are chasing that.
Merlin Yang
@relja_denic Do you know how much earning badges can help your product?
Bryan Van Horn
I'm launching Timbre on Tuesday! Seems like the consensus is that Tuesday is a pretty good day to launch. Would love to have your support :)
Jake Harrison
Tuesday or Friday
Merlin Yang
@jakeharr Good luck with your upcoming product 🙏
Adams Parker
Joe Scharf
Hopefully Tuesday, because that's when SupMonster is scheduled! We shall see.
Fahad ⚡️
@joe_scharf1 Good luck! Will be glad to support you ✌️ Our product Wind is launching tomorrow (Monday) and would love for you to check us out 🙌
Merlin Yang
@joe_scharf1 @amdfad I wish you both the best of luck with your projects 🙏
Winged Piggy
Fahad ⚡️
Monday (hopefully?!) 😂 We're launching tomorrow and would love for you to check us out 🙌
Ghost Kitty
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Steve Joe
Saibu Baba
I'm planning to launch soon. Anyone interested in remote tech talent, especially in Africa, should check it out. Thank you for the support.