Hey everyone! I came across this article on Paddle (
https://www.paddle.com/blog/how-...) that suggests offering a 30% lifetime commission for affiliate marketing. What are your thoughts? Is this a good strategy?
Options description, based on the article
One-time commissions: A single payment for each sale, which might not suit SaaS and subscription models well. For instance, a $20/month subscription yields $240 ARR, but a 15% one-time commission only gives $3 to the affiliate.
Lifetime recurring commissions: Affiliates earn from every payment made by their referrals, not just the first purchase. This approach is favored for SaaS models.
Limited recurring commissions: These have a cap on the number of conversions per client or limit the time during which commissions are earned on a customer’s purchases.
What commission structure do you use? Have you found success with one type over others? Let's discuss!