What AI tools are you paying for and you think are worth the money?

Shushant Lakhyani
60 replies


Anthony Susanto
Curious about point of view from designers. Currently assessing prowriting.biz price model.
Charlie Kor
I am currently using UseChatGPT.AI for summarizing, proofread, etc. If I need this tool more and more, it is worth paying.
Vishal Punwani
@charlie_lee1 is the current interface cumbersome or is it fine for you? What would you change about it to make it fit better into your workflow? Just rando questions - would love your thots 🙏🏽
Aaron O'Leary
ChatGPT plus is the only one for me at the moment! Defo worth the money, use it within work and building side projects
Richard Gao
Not paying for any myself, but I'd certainly say that if you're creating an AI image generator via API, then evoke-app.com is very helpful!
Magic Mike Paine
The more I use ChatGPT the less I see the need to hire any content writers. It's created a huge lift in helping me generate good content. I just provide the ideas and readjust the wording to make it mine. It's been a game changer.
Shushant Lakhyani
@mpaine Does it imply ChatGPT has replaced some good content writers?
Magic Mike Paine
@shushant_lakhyani not yet. But I think these new tools will allow us to focus more on the creative ideas behind the content and spend less time producing the content. “Good” content writers won’t get replaced because they know how to be creative. It will separate the good from the bad, and if you’re in this space, the better you understand the inputs to generate content in ChatGPT (and similar AI tools) the more valuable you become.
Cassia Trusty
Can't say I've found an AI tool I've felt was worth paying for as of yet, but I do pay to use the GPT4 API. There's a lot of tools out there and I'm waiting a bit to see which ones stand tall above the rest and establish a proper moat.
Cassia Trusty
@shushant_lakhyani mostly things related to entrepreneurship. Learning more about user research, continuous discovery, building MVP, etc. almost like a mentor
Vishal Punwani
@shushant_lakhyani @ctrusttea Are you using it to find stuff to read, or just chatting with it directly?
Lazar Lekic
Only ChatGPT and Github Copilot, both for better productivity.
Marco Ceruti
I’m paying for 2 things: 1. OpenAI API (I live in Italy, and I use their APIs to run ChatGPT on my Mac) 2. Midjourney. As a designer, it’s extremely helpful to create assets for websites and for branded communication. Really worth it
Marco Ceruti
@shushant_lakhyani the only thing I hate is that Midjourney run on discord, and the controls are stupid because of the UI. I can’t wait for a SaaS version, with a decent UI
Sabrina Massa
currently paying for Midjourney, definitely worth it, and Notion AI's add-on, still deciding.
Vishal Punwani
@sabrinamassadesigns what you getting out of Notion AI? Debating it myself...
Sabrina Massa
@vishyvish I've been using it for a lot of the same things I'd use ChatGPT for, but it feels a lot more intuitive and my workflow isn't peppered with as much copy/paste. I'm not a "power user" by any means, but creating templates and outlines has been a nice time saver.
Tabassum Moon
Last few weeks, I started paying with ChatGPT.
Mathias GILSON
ChatGPT Premium for sure. Insane value for the money. And GPT Workspace now which is directly integrated in Google Sheets and Docs, works amazing
Curious to know what product analytics tools people are using? Was looking into June.so
Rishabh R
ChatGPT, and yes, its worth it
Kwaku Amprako
ChatGPT plus is a serious game changer
Apollon Latsoudis
ChatGPT Plus for copywriting, brainstorming, proofreading Midjourney for image creation (simply amazing) Runway for video creation
ChatGPT plus and it is worth every cent 😀
Gaurav Singh Bisen
Paying for WriteSonic and GPT4.
Like many others, Midjourney. I'm no designer so it's been very helpful for creating logos/designs for my landing pages.