My Side Of The Story (Our Launch Day 🚀)
As someone who was in the navy and has worked out for nearly a decade, the journey has not been very smooth sailing (pun not intended!).
It was and still is very difficult to stay motivated and workout. This was largely due to encountering multiple different setbacks from months of inactivity due to a hectic work schedule, physical injuries preventing me from working out and lack of motivation during the Covid pandemic.
I thought about giving up many times, tried many different home workout regimes online, and downloaded multiple apps to keep myself in check. But nothing really focused on workout motivation, workout apps were either too serious or too gamified for me.
It was not until I transitioned my career from a navy to a Software Developer. This was where I met a friend that had some experience with AI and we teamed up.
And here it is, a Motion Tracking fitness app that aims to motivate and gives a ‘guided workout experience’.
Dumbbell AI is launching today! Would appreciate if you would join our launch together🎉🎉:
Hit Notify 🔥🔥 if you haven’t yet!
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