Shane Yan

Maybe some are unaware of these useful first comment tricks


A friend asked me before, So I realized that maybe some people still don't know how to format the first comment on the launch page. Here are some very practical tricks:
  1. Bold text: <b>This text is bold</b>
  2. Italic text: <i>This text is italic</i>
  3. Insert a link: <a href="">This is a link</a>
  4. Insert an image: <img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Descriptive text">
  5. Unordered list: <ul><li>Unordered list item 1</li><li>Unordered list item 2</li></ul>
  6. Ordered list: <ol><li>Ordered list item 1</li><li>Ordered list item 2</li></ol>
In fact, you can use HTML tags to format text content. If you're discovering this for the first time, give it a try in the comments! BTW, our product Codebay launched today! It's a product designed to help programming beginners learn coding easily. If you're not familiar with it yet, you can Click on the link 👆 and welcome to give us suggestions and feedback!

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Jim Engine
Nice, I didn't even know that and I am here since 6 years now 😂