
Is It Worth Rescheduling a Launch?


I'm new to Product Hunt and have no community or activity yet. I decided to conduct an experimental beta test launch for HonestyMeter - my open-source, free app designed for media manipulation and bias detection, to understand how it works. I realize that without a following or community, my product may go largely unnoticed. However, I've noticed that new people are registering every day to be notified about the launch. This has led me to consider whether it might be worth rescheduling to gain more subscribers. The issue is that the launch is scheduled to start at midnight tonight. I see the benefits of rescheduling, but are there any downsides?

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Michal Balšianka
Just another point of view - If you delay your launch, there’s a risk that the buzz you’ve already created might die down. People who’ve signed up expecting it to launch soon might get upset or lose interest if you suddenly change the date. Maybe firstly run closed alpha testing, where you expect smaller audience, you could fine tune the app and in meantime expand community for next open beta launch.
@wreit Thank you! I lean towards launching anyway and considering it as a beta test launch. If I get zero exposure, I won't lose much. If I get at least one valuable piece of feedback, it's already worth it. And in six months, I can relaunch again after learning from the experience. My case is a bit different, since most users here earn money from their products, and I only spend money and time on mine 😄, since it's free and non-profit :))
Rayan Zeggari
I would indeed wait a few weeks before launching on PH and focus on building the community in the meantime. You can still do a soft beta launch through other platforms and then leverage these users to rocket on PH (they get notified prior to PH launch and on the launch day). Please note, I have no experience in launching on PH and this comes from scouring all the resources available about SaaS launches. I'm trying to do it that way but nothing is guaranteed. I wish you the best of luck with HonestyMeter!
Jonathan Tahiry
I’d say yes! If you think you, your team or your product isn’t ready, do not force it. We thought we could do it back in December, but we couldn’t. So now we are focusing on building a supportive community first!
Diksha Patro B
I think instead of Rescheduling, try to re-launch!
@dikshapatrob Thanks :) Thank actually what I decided to do. It's launching now. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Remember if you launch now, you won’t be able to relaunch till another 6 months. Which isn’t bad, as you can spend that time building a community and making any updates needed from this launch! Just something to consider
Michael Gammon
Depends what your goals are Igor - a good placing for marketing or do you just want to get your product out there? The benefits of rescheduling would mean you could build up followers and try to get in the top 5 products which will be sene by more people, on that note please follow me for my launch on Monday, thanks Igor and good luck - I will keep and eye out for your launch (whenever you decide to do it!)
Artyom Sviridov
If you feel that additional work needs to be done, then yes, it's worth it.