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How would you explain your job role to a 5 year old?
We tend to complicate everything so much - how about we simplify things and try to explain our work as we would explain it to a 5-year-old?
Miriam Dorsett
I get to do whatever I want to do. Every, day.
Jay Ramachandran
Um, I help to put clothes on your back, make sure you're fed, have a bed to sleep on, and hope you have fun being a 5-year old.
Greg 'X' Willis
I build TikToks for a living.
Eugene Hauptmann
Hm, that's a tough one, especially our DeepTech and AI projects. I'd start with this one-liner: "We are making complex thing simple"
Nenad Ticaric
We solve problems.
Rashmi Gupta
5 year old are already know a lot now a just tell what I say to most of my family :)
@rashjbp hahaha sure I was thinking of the time back when I was 5 years old and I didn't care about most things. It's strange to see 5-year-olds acting all grown up
Ayush Kumar Singh
You don't you let them live happily
Shachin Bharadwaj
I have a 5yr old and he tells me I build 'something in mobile' that help people goto good places :)
Jayson Robinson
I try and stop people doing stupid stuff (product manager).
Grisel Dugarte
You know those big golden arches you cry for while asking for a burger to your mom. I decide where and when show it to make sure you keep convincing your mom for McDonalds instead of Burger King! :)
Jessica Gregson
We help people make better decisions.
Vio from Selftalk
Launching soon!
we help people stick to their plans/activities, like he/she needs to wake up in the morning and go to the kindergarten :D
Vio from Selftalk
Launching soon!
@yeshaswini funny, I would say, imagine that you want to play with someone that likes bicycles, so whenever you want to ride your bike we will make sure you have alongside someone who also rides bikes and likes them.
Isabel Nyo
I have to say, this is something that I haven't done successfully. My daughter (now 9) knows I work with computers and people (I am an Engineering Manager at a software company) and while homeschooling, she had witnessed the number of meetings I attend daily.
George Boutsalis
I turn dreams into toys
Veranika Vinichenka
I am a marketer and I would explain it like this - I am the fairy of your doll and many other toys, I help people learn more about different objects so that they can find the best for themselves
Somnath Sandeep
We help people explore and do what they love.
Somnath Sandeep
@yeshaswini hahah, and that's exactly what we do at Habbit - making great learning experiences by focusing on learning by doing, and socializing for creative, and neo-digital skills
Jack Davis
I am making a new app.
Tanoy Chowdhury
I write a lot of words on my notebook, and then try to sell it to people. See, it's that easy. :)
Adrien Agreste
I make paintings with computer, yes just like your games
Chloe Bourgeois
I am like the judge of the voice
@chloe_bourgeois Now I am intrigued, what's your profession?
Chloe Bourgeois
@yeshaswini I work in a agency, help new actors and actress / singers / writers to build their career.